Welcome to the Creations by AR Stars & Stripes Blog Hop!
Hopefully, we will inspire you today, with our Patriotic theme, and also give you several chances to win one of Adela's fabulous new
Creations by AR templates! We've decorated these templates today in patriotic colors, but think pink or blue for baby showers, shimmery colors for weddings...the possibilites are endless!
Our first template is this fun Gourmet Take Out Box. The template comes in two sizes, a short and a taller box. I've chosen to work with the short box today.
Creations by AR Gourmet Take Out Box, Doodle Pantry Patchwork Quilt, Red Scrapper's Floss, Tan Embroidery Floss, White Ribbon Scrap, Office Max Binder Clip, Misc. CS |
Same as above, but with candy from Deal's |
Next up is the Border Box. This great box comes with templates for a star border, a heart border, and a diamond border. And of course, if you don't want a border, you can simply cut your border off, and have a straigt edge at the top.
Creations by AR Border Box with Stars, Doodle Pantry Patchwork Star and Digital Paper, Baker's Twine from Really Reasonable Ribbon, and centerpiece from Deal's. |
Last, I couldn't resist using the cute little Tres Chic box. It goes together so quickly, I just thought it deserved a spot on the page! So now, you have a centerpiece, a tray full of goodies to place in the center of each table, and a cute little take out box for individual favors. Your party is complete!
Creations by AR Tres Chic Tray, Doodle Pantry Digital Papers, Baker's Twine from Really Reasonable Ribbon, Candy from Deal's |
Visit each of the following blogs to see what my talented teammates have created. Leave a comment at each blog, and you will be automatically entered in the drawing to win one of the templates. If you comment at one blog, you have one chance, if you comment at all eight blogs, you have eight chances!
Revisit each blog on Saturday, June 23rd to see who the winners are!
Thanks for hopping with us, and Good Luck!
Until next time...
Patti J.