The challenge this week at House Mouse is brought to us by DT member, Lori. The challenge is to use the theme: "Winter Wishes".
Well, I don't know about you, but, following all of the rush of the holiday season, all I ever wish for after Christmas is a NAP!!!
Look at these little cuties - all settled in for their long winter's nap!
The perfect image to use this week!
CS is DCWV, and the DP is from a recycled paper pad from K and Company.
The pom pom is made with Sparkle Fluff!
Hope you like it!!!

We have a houseguest this week... a lady that works with DD was flying home to Witchita, Ks. for the holidays, and had no place to go with her 'pup'.
Meet Chakota - our Christmas houseguest! (She moved, and the photo is blurry...) She is SO timid - scared to death of everyone and everything. She's finally warmed up (REALLY warmed up) to me, but jumps a foot off the floor when the furnace kicks on, or the phone rings.
She's "almost" housetrained, so needless to say, I've already cleaned up one mess today. Hopefully, after she's here another day, she'll fit right in! Her 'momma' is coming home on the evening of the 26th, and I'm sure Chakota will be happy to see her!

Last, but certainly not least, here are a couple of photo's of our Nativity Scene. This is always the very first thing to go up, actually going up a week or so before any other decorations. As I gently unbox and place each piece, I quietly pray for friends, family members, military troops and their families, and many other things. I feel like this always starts our holiday season off with a feeling of peace and love.
There are also a couple of photo's of our blurry tree - just could NOT get it to photograph well. It's very pretty, nearly touches the ceiling - we actually had to bend the top down for the angel to sit on top. We've had a real tree for years and years, but last winter, we had some family crisis, and ended up needing to put up a tree quite literally at the last minute, so DH brought this one in - I thought he really did a good job of 'tree shopping'!!!
Our home is not fancy or large, but it is home, and we will probably be here until we are carried out in a pine box! We have raised the kids here, and the memories are so special to us!
Thanks for stopping by today!!!
Have a great night!
Patti J.
Food for thought: If you were paid five cents for every kind word you spoke or thought, or were charged five cents for every unkind word or thought... would you be rich or poor?