Sunday, December 20, 2009

How much fun!

How much fun it was last week when I went to the Stampin' Sisters in Christ blog to check out the beautiful work of their design team, and their top cards of the week. There was this card by Joey, that made me literally smile out loud! Before I go on with my long winded story, be sure to go to Joey's blog and look around! What a cute blog to visit!!!

So... years ago, I was in the process of looking for T-Shirts for some of us at work.
I found a little thumbnail sized photo on a T-Shirt, and just fell in love with it.
I printed it out (in thumbnail size - it was protected!), brought it home, taped it up on the wall in our sunroom, and painted it on the wall!
The kids have teased me unmercifully, as I somehow gave the angel six digits on one hand!!! Anyway, below is our sunroom!
(Ignore the empty hooks below the artwork, and the ugly cap hanging on the wall)

Now you know why I smiled out loud! Don't you just adore Joey's card? And isn't my wall just too much fun? Everyone needs a six digited angel, don't you think???
Have a great night!
Back tomorrow with the cutest digi image from There's Magic in the Air!!!


Joey said...

Hi Patti,

ooooooh your painting is just the best!!! this really is such an amazing picture to be showcased anywhere I love it!!!

I love the fact you gave her 6 digits! that would be something my kids would pull me up on, but it makes her unique to you!

Thankyou so much for showcasing me on your blog :O) I am off to direct some fellow bloggers here.


Georgia said...

I can see why you reacted the way you did. You did a fantastic job of creating a copy on your wall. Love it!

Nikki Schmaltz said...

You are so amazingly TALENTED! WOW! What a beautiful job you did on the wall. I think 6 digits may be something we ALL need or maybe that is 6 arms:) Joey used to be on the SSC design team with me. She is amazingly talented. So glad you found her too!

Maria Matter said...

how cool is this?!
Your 6 fingered Angel is looks brilliant on your wall!!

Patti, I still haven't shipped your goodie bag...I will give you a heads up when it is actually on it's way! I'm going to try to get myself out of the house this week! :)

Caryl P said...

Wow, what are the odds of you finding a card with the same image as your own wall! Thanks for sharing this sweet story, and your beautiful painting on the wall. And with 6 digits you can see how observant your visitors are!

Crystal said...

AWWW Patti your painting is awesome girl!!!! Thats tooo crazy to find a card that looks the girl how cool!

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a nice surprise! I love the image, and how it looks on your wall. You're one talented lady!

I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas my friend! Thanks for always leaving me "love" and having such kind words.

Much love!

craftieodmae said...

what a awesome story! You are so talented, and what about finding a card like your painting! God does work in amazing ways. You have a Merry Christmas GF.

Rufus said...

Wow, what are the odds of that???? Great story!

Janiel/ janny said...

You have done an amazing job of that on your wall. Very well done. It made me smile out loud too!
happy holidays, Janiel

Lorraine A said...

Oh wow ,, I can imagine you grinning when you saw Joey's card :-) What a beautiful image ,, and to see it as a card and a mural is fantastic ! :-)

All artwork should never be perfect! so the 6 fingers was a deliberate mistake eh !

Lols x x x

Amy Johnson said...

Wow! Aren't you talented! That amazing that you were able to paint that image on your wall! LOVE the card too! So pretty and well put together.

chatdumpgirl said...

hugs. i think you're the greatest!

Beth Norman said...

How adorable. After looking at the card it was a pleasant surprise to see the image on your wall. Awesome job.

Lisa Hjulberg said...

Well, I'll be darned!!! How cool is that!!! Both that you found the card and the way you painted your sun room. I LOVE it!!! You are ultra talented, my dear friend! And I totally think an extra finger would come in quite handy!

Nina said...

oh patti, I just love this image and can see why you fell in love with it... the card is just beautiful that she made and you painting..awesome!