Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Winter Wishes...

The challenge this week at House Mouse is brought to us by DT member, Lori. The challenge is to use the theme: "Winter Wishes".
Well, I don't know about you, but, following all of the rush of the holiday season, all I ever wish for after Christmas is a NAP!!!
Look at these little cuties - all settled in for their long winter's nap!
The perfect image to use this week!
CS is DCWV, and the DP is from a recycled paper pad from K and Company.
The pom pom is made with Sparkle Fluff!
Hope you like it!!!

We have a houseguest this week... a lady that works with DD was flying home to Witchita, Ks. for the holidays, and had no place to go with her 'pup'.
Meet Chakota - our Christmas houseguest! (She moved, and the photo is blurry...) She is SO timid - scared to death of everyone and everything. She's finally warmed up (REALLY warmed up) to me, but jumps a foot off the floor when the furnace kicks on, or the phone rings.
She's "almost" housetrained, so needless to say, I've already cleaned up one mess today. Hopefully, after she's here another day, she'll fit right in! Her 'momma' is coming home on the evening of the 26th, and I'm sure Chakota will be happy to see her!

Last, but certainly not least, here are a couple of photo's of our Nativity Scene. This is always the very first thing to go up, actually going up a week or so before any other decorations. As I gently unbox and place each piece, I quietly pray for friends, family members, military troops and their families, and many other things. I feel like this always starts our holiday season off with a feeling of peace and love.
There are also a couple of photo's of our blurry tree - just could NOT get it to photograph well. It's very pretty, nearly touches the ceiling - we actually had to bend the top down for the angel to sit on top. We've had a real tree for years and years, but last winter, we had some family crisis, and ended up needing to put up a tree quite literally at the last minute, so DH brought this one in - I thought he really did a good job of 'tree shopping'!!!

Our home is not fancy or large, but it is home, and we will probably be here until we are carried out in a pine box! We have raised the kids here, and the memories are so special to us!
Thanks for stopping by today!!!
Have a great night!

Patti J.

Food for thought: If you were paid five cents for every kind word you spoke or thought, or were charged five cents for every unkind word or thought... would you be rich or poor?


The Other Patti Sue said...

Your card is adorable! I love all your decorations.... just beautiful! The puppy.... oh my! So cute.... so much work! You are a great lady! Have a very Merry Christmas!

Brenda said...

Oh Patti I love your card. What a sweet image. Cute house guest you have, enjoy her, how nice to have a adorable little puppy to play and cuddle with and when it is time you can give her back. The best of both worlds. I hope you have a wonderful and happy holiday.

craftieodmae said...

Your home and decorations are beautiful! Big and fancy don't make it home, the love does and I can tell your home is full of it. I love the puppy! She is so cute, I lvoe dogs, we have a dog guest coming too! You have a good one and if I'm not on here later, Merry Merry Christmas and God Bless!

Nikki Schmaltz said...


I think your home is BEAUTIFUL. You can tell it is so full of love. Your nativity scene is just gorgeous too. What a beautiful person you are to think of all those people as you put it up. I just think your houseguest must feel so warm and cozy there that any disturbance in the peaceful tranquility of it all makes her jump. Enjoy all nestled in your lovely home this Christmas! Just like those cute mice:)

Stef H said...

it's ALL fabulous! and i'm still awwwwwing at that card and chakota! your home is so festive and warm looking. you'll have a very merry christmas i'm sure.

thanks so much for sharing these wonderful pictures.


Crystal said...

Patti your card is soooo pretty girl!!! I love all your pictures!!! Thanks for sharing them!!!! I hope you have a very Merry Christmas!

chatdumpgirl said...

hugs, my good friend. you are a wonderful soul. pet the pup for me and hug your man....oh,yeah, babe.

Glittered Paws said...

OMG - "puppy" is a cutie - well okay not a cute as Bella but...a cutie. Love the house mouse card - you color those little mices so nicely - they almost look too much like "mice". And the tree is a beauty too. Enjoy your DS and DD this Christmas and may you and Stanly man have a blessed Christmas and a Happy 2010.

Danni said...

Such a precious card!! Wonderful photos!

Anonymous said...

The card is fabulous! Those little guys are just adorable all snuggled up.

Your Nativity and tree are gorgeous! I hope you guys have a wonderful Christmas my friend! Hugs!

Lisa Hjulberg said...

What lovely picture, Patti! Thanks for sharing them, my friend. I love nativities, too. I keep one in a cabinet year-round because it's much too precious to put away. It belonged to my mother and is by Hummel. She bought it when we were stationed in Germany when I was in the 5th grade, so it's getting quite old (haha).

We finally succumbed to a fully lighted faux tree about five years ago and I've never looked back. They are so real looking, and what a great thing to not have to tangle with the lights and watch the poor thing dry up and become a fire hazard. I light up a pine scented candle and you can't even tell the difference!

I'm waiting for the boys to get ready. We're doing something we never have before, and that is go out for a bite to eat on Christmas Eve. So much has changed now that the kids are older and my FIL is gone. (sigh)

Now on to see what else I've been missing on your blog...

Lisa Hjulberg said...

Oh, and good luck with the pup. One of our dogs is a nervous Nellie, too!

Lisa said...

Very cute card! Thanks for joining us at the House Mouse Challenge!

Curt in Indy said...

I'm so excited to see this stamp used because I just got it and can't wait to use it. Your card is super! I love the pale coloring of the hat so that the mice are really shown off. Great job. Thanks too for sharing the pics and thoughts for this time. I stopped by to tell you that I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and the best of New Years. Also give your house guest a huge hug for me and keep telling her that her Mom will be back soon. It will help her, believe me, it will. Best, Curt

Unknown said...

Just stopping by to wish you a very Merry CHRISTmas...and New Years Blessings.

Anonymous said...

Wow Patti your decorations are so fab! Love the little puppy, so cute!
And your card is lovely, i still have some of the same images you gave me. I love these little mice.
Hope you've had a lovely christmas.
Hugs xx

Cat said...

Thanks so much for sharing your pix of your beautiful home and lovely decorations! How sweet of you to have a "house guest" for the holidays. She is adorable! Wishing you and your family a very happy New Year! Hugs!

Suzanne said...

Patti, love your Christmas decorations, how beautiful.
Also adore your cards, they are inspirational.

Nina said...

Patti J.... I love your nativity and I so love the idea of praying for family, friends, etc. as you place the pieces out, I think I will start that tradition this year as I place it away and start it next year as I place it out. Lovely idea. you home looks warm and inviting everything so festive. Your house guest looks sweet and too funny about her jumping when the furnace kicks on. and your card is so sweet and I love that image as well, such serenity in it and they looks so warm and cozy! lovely posting.