Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sunday in anticipation....

Aniticipation of what mother nature is bringing us tonight! It's gloomy doomy again, and cold! The wind has just blown and blown. We went into the city last night (almost wasted trip) to do some Christmas shopping, and it felt several times like the wind was going to lift us up into the jet stream and fly us home!

Had a successful class yesterday. I didn't advertise, just called a couple of folks. We had four, so that was plenty for a nice quiet class. I'd love to be posting photo's of the finished work, but for some reason, my picture posting is a failure. It used to work....

If you have suggestions....

Going to get busy now. Have a great Sunday - stay dry and warm!

Patti J.

~We are the people our parents warned us about.

1 comment:

Theresa Momber said...

Sorry you are having upload trouble. I scrolled down and you have lovely cards!

You could try clearing your browser's cache or using Control F5 while in blogger. Even try using a different browser.

If that doesn't work you could always host your images on a photo hosting site like Photobucket and just link 'em up. Image hosting sites like that allow hotlinking. If you try it and need help with code, just let me know.

Good luck!