Monday, April 29, 2024

Giraffe Love

Well, this month has come to an end. It's been fun working with Technique Junkies again - their stamps are so much fun to work with, and so unique. It's looking like another few months of Dr. appointments, tests, surgeries, etc., so not sure how often I'll be able to pop in here, but I'm thinking of you all!!!

Wait until you see these fun cards! I had a blast with this stamp, 'Giraffe Love'. 

The first card features the full 'Giraffe Love' background stamp on a white panel. I then cut a small frame and 'highlighted' a few of the giraffes by coloring inside the frame. The sentiment, 'Simply Enjoy' was stamped and matted as well. The focal panel was adhered to a card base, a quick bow added, and it's ready to mail!

Next, I colored and fussy cut some of the giraffes and hearts from the 'Giraffe Love' stamp, and sort of hid them behind a panel of black and white stripes. The sentiment is from the new set 'Another Year'.

Last up is a card that I think is called triple stamping technique? Not sure, but I'm going with that!
I actually stamped and colored the entire image, then used two dies to cut out portions of the image. These were matted with a tiny black border, then popped up with dimensional dots. Again, the 'Giraffe Love' stamp was used, as well as the 'Another Year'. 

It's been fun! I'm hoping to get back soon to catch up on a million or so cards that I've made over the past year, that have never been posted!

Take care, everyone, and don't forget to use my code for 10% off anything not in the new release!!! TJPatti10

Wishing you smiles, and a happy May!!!

Patti J.


Lynette said...

Great cards with those giraffes! Good luck with all the medical things.

Cheryl W said...

Those giraffes are so fun! And with your unbelievable creativity, you showed how they can be used in different ways. You always inspire me, Patti! I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers as you deal with health issues. I wish you all the best.

*Vicki* said...

Your giraffes are super cute and so fun! I love all of the different varieties you've shared here! Layered stamping is really fun and makes it look so fancy with the mattes! Always happy to see you pop in here with a post every now and then and I hope all goes well for you in the coming month ahead my friend! Sending you big hugs

Lynne in NI said...

Oh I love these Patti, what a brilliant stamp!!

Donna said...

Such fabulous giraffe cards Patti!