This is the front - Card is closed...
This is the front - I've untied and begun to open the card...
help keep the card closed.

Here, I am beginning to close it back up...

Here is the card, fully closed, and this is the back view!
Here, I am beginning to close it back up...
Here is the card, fully closed, and this is the back view!
This is just a 'little something' for a friend. I'm putting it in the mail tomorrow morning, but I thought it turned out cute, and didn't want to send it without posting pictures.
Feel free to email me if you ever want the EASY details!
If the 'recipient' of this little card is reading, the little note in the bottom right square is attached with removable two sided tape just in case you want to 're-gift' the card! I'm sorry to say that I forgot to attach the stamp that way! I will include an extra piece of the printed stock for that corner!
Well, hope this gives you all a smile this evening! We don't do much around here for Halloween, so it's fun to create for others!
That's all I know - DD is packing for a couple of nights out in the woods (ugh...not my thing, but she seems to love it! My idea of camping out is the Hilton or Hampton Inn...)
Sleep well!
"See" you tomorrow!
Patti J.
Wow Patti, fabulous card. It must have taken a while to do it. Your friend is gonna love it!
Very well done.
I love camping and i wish i could do it more often and live off the land :)
Hugs xx
Sometimes I think we're on the same wavelength! Yesterday I was thinking about how I could make a simple exploding card and today you have one posted! By the way, the card is too cute. Talk about being busy. Have a good one.
Awesome Patti! I made a squash book for Kim for her new puppy and it took forever! Love it...great work!.
No kids today just a lunch duty and a dentist ap'pt. Hmmm, would I rather go to the dentist than work? That is the question for the day!
Wow Patti great card, I love spending Halloween in the States. We don't celebrate it so much over here, luckily it seems to be catching on slowly! I think its great fun for all the kids.
You've just inspired one of the cards for my next class!! I even know how to do this one!! Great card!
Gee, Patti... is that card for me ;) I love it! What a fun little project.
I love exploding cards! Yours is really cute! I'm with you on camping, Patti. It is on my NOT to do list! lol
Wow Patti!! What an intricate and fun Halloween card!!! It must have taken you a while!
Thanks so much for your kind words on my blog Patti! You are such a special person and I treasure your comments.
I love camping!! We leave to go camping for five days on Thursday! Can't wait. Well actually I can since I have so much to do before then (Funny me! Here I am blogging. LOL!)
You always Wow me Patti! this is fabulous! Thanks for showing the different angles...too cool!
I'm with you on the topic of camping...I need cushy, lush, air conditioned surroundings! lol So obviously I don't go camping!
Take care Patti
Blessings Maria
Amazing card!!
Thanks for sharing...
Are you scared to be alone at home need security
Super cute card, Patti! Very cleverly done, the way it folds up.
I'm with you... roughing it for me is staying at a place where there's no room service!
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