Today's challenge at Stampin' Sisters in Christ, is to make a Mother's Day Card. My dear mom passed away in December, 1999 after an on-going battle with cancer, so my mother's day card will go to someone else's mother! This card was inspired by a trio of cards featured in CardMaker magazine this month, (page 22) designed by Deanna Hutchsion. I liked her layout, and decided to alter it to work with an A-2 sized card.
I'm cleaning a closet in the office/craft room/drop it where it lands room. This room used to be a two car garage, and now we use it for everything, and I do mean everything. This is the main door into the house (even though we have a front door and beautiful foyer, and a sunporch door)! Anyway, I am cleaning a closet in this room today. I have laughed out loud more than once. Buried in the back corners of one of the shelves was an enire stack of old floppies. Not the A drive kind of little square hard floppy, but the old 5/5" square really truly 'floppy' floppies. There were all sorts of 'how to' books for things that were outdated 20 years ago! lol... However, I have to admit, it does feel SO great to purge!!! Funny thing is, I almost have to purge everything twice, as DH thinks we need to save it 'just in case', and pulls it out of the trash when I'm not looking. Sneaky as I am, I re-purge when HE isn't looking!
Back to work I go! Thanks so much for stopping by - hope you like the card!
Have a great week - Patti J.
HA! That's too funny, purge - unpurge - and purge again! My hubby tends to be a hoarder too as was his mom. I'm like you, although I'm really TRYING to really think first to see if it's something I can creatively alter! *Ü*
Love your beautiful card. I'm sure whosever mom receives it will adore it. And love that lattice border punch--one that's on the TOP of my wish list right now! *Ü* ~k
you should have a sign made..... IF YOU LEAVE IT, WE PURGE IT! AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN!!!
too funny! maybe you can sell some of it on ebay or your blog. offer it to some of your followers you never know what we might like!
Makes me want to sing - I feel pretty, oh so pretty!
What a beautiful card and love the inside - that must be the new MS punch - right??? What a "busy" day you have had - now I know why DH was bringing home supper!!!
Lovely! Inside and out :)
Reminds me of the last time we moved. (I've sworn to either NEVER do it again or it MUST be done every 4-5 years before you get to much stuff!). In the process of packing I'd take it to the trash, he'd go re-claim it, I'd take it back out. I learned to time it just before the garbage men came! And yes, those floppy floppies were some of the things that went! Along with the manuals that came in the hard plastic cases. But then I hoard crafty stuff. BUT I USE IT TOO! (at least that's my argument to him!)
Beautiful card. Love the butterflies. I bet you are getting a lot of stuff done not having a computer. I swear between the computer and stamping I get less done each day:) You and your hubby sound like my hubby and me only reversed. I have a hard time letting go of certain things. Hope you got it all done and have some time to craft today.
What a gorgeous card for some one on Mother's Day - I am sure the recipient will love it! Your colours and that gorgeous punch are perfect - I hope this makes it past your 'purging!' LOL! Thanks for playing along with us this week at the Stampin' Sisters in Christ Challenge, we love to see your cards and hope to see you again next week! {{{hugs}}}
Linda SSIC Design Team
Such a beautiful card, whichever mother does receive it will love it. The colors are great and I love the butterflies!.
I hope I find some time to purge this week, I haven't seen the back of my closet in two years....who knows what's lurking back there!
Good luck on your reorganizing. It does feel good to get rid of stuff you will never use and have more space for the things you need. We did that in our basement this spring and it is great. Love your Mother's Day card. I too have lost my Mom but I enjoy making these for the ladies in my life that love and care for me like a mom. Have a great week.
HI Patti!! This is such a gorgeous card!! Love your colors and design. The garden trellis punch with the punched butterflies is perfect!! Thanks for adding it to the SSCC!
I laughed at your spring cleaning story. My hubby is not nearly as bad as my dear daughter who is 10 is. Anything I throw in the garbage it seems, she pulls out and I have to throw it out again. To avoid this I have to throw it out in our outdoor garbage when she isn't looking.
Love your card, Patti! I laughed at your Spring Cleaning story! I'm in the process of moving my "hobby" from one room to another. The going is slow. I've been battling sinus headaches all weekend. I'm on the lookout for possible blog candy as I go. I just can't throw good "stuff" away!
Very pretty card Patti!
you are cracking me up with the REpurging!!! I think my DH does that too me.LOL
I so appreciate you making a Mother's Day card. When I made this challenge I know there would be others, like me, who had lost their mom. I lost my mom to cancer, too, so my sample card is going to another Mother. Thanks so much for sharing your art with us at SSCC.
My whole house needs purging!!!
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