I went to the mailbox today, and guess what was in there already??? The blog candy that I won from Chris Olsen's blog! Wowzers...lookie at what was in this box (and holy cow, can that girl ever pack a tiny box to capacity)! Chris, if you are reading, many thanks. What a generous and kind gift.
This beautiful card, made by Chris was the first thing that I saw when I opened the box. It may go in a frame and be hung on the wall - sorta like a trophy card. Her cards are so beautiful!

Next, I may be back on-line this week! I'm so happy! We have found the best computer tech ever, and he's gotten DH on-line over the weekend, and I'm next! Wahoo...I feel so lonely without this blog! Again, thanks to all of you who have hung in here with me. You will probably all ask me to go away again after I get powered back up! lol...
What's next? OH....Caryl P. and I are excited that it's baseball season! Even though she's a diehard Yankee's fan, and I'm THE diehard Cardinal's fan, we are still friends! In fact, it's opening day in St. Louis today, and I'm watching the opening day hoopla on TV now!
Last, I'm to be a guest designer at For Fun Challenges this week, so tune in on Wednesday! I'm so pleased and flattered that Helen and Kym asked me!
What else? Hmmm... it's back to the doc with DH for check up on Friday. His leg looks pretty nasty, so I'll be curious to see what they say.
Have a great day, and week! Hopefully, things will soon be back to normal around here.
Patti J.
Update: Just got word - tech can't get my computer until the weekend.... (very sad face here).
Now thats great candy!!!! Happy 4 U! Go Yankees!! LOL sorry GF, I love em too!
sorry about your computer woes...I don't know what I'd do - probably go insane! CONGRATS on the blog candy win!! Awesome stuff and Chris is so very nice to boot...too cool about her card. Framing it is a good idea :o)
Wow is right isn't that fun to find candy in the mail. I have been very lucky also lately.
I still miss you and look forward to your posts sweetie.
I love the idea of framing special cards. I would have to build new walls to save all the beauty's I receive I swear.
I can't wait for you to get back! Hurry up would ya?
Congrats on the win!! Looks yummy!! Miss seeing your beautiful posts!!
oh so yummy! Congrats on your win!
Chris does create such beautiful cards and is a beautiful person too!!!
sorry to hear about the computer!!!
take care
Blessings, maria
Congrats on your win and Guest DT position! Wishing Hubby a speedy recovery!
HI Patti!! Finally here...life has been too busy and I did not know you were back!! Congrats on your win girl!! I was so happy to send them to you!! Glad you like the candy in card!! It was perfect for a special person like you!!
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