Monday, March 30, 2009

Blog Candy from Florida!

This post is going to be different in that I'm showcasing someone else's talents tonight!

As one of our students at school used to say (remember this one Tami???) "Here's the story, morning glory".....

I received some blog candy in the mail today that I won a week or so ago on a cyber-friend's blog. As you can surley relate, it is SO nice to get real mail via snail mail. Normally, what comes through the Pony Express is usually, junk or bills. So, when I saw my DH lay down a yellow envelope, I said "OMG that's my flowers!" And it was!

Not only did I win the flowers, but they were wrapped in the cutest card! This little moose is almost hugable! Anyway, I have to post photo's! The coolest thing about this, is that I have been missing my mom the last couple of weeks. I know how much she'd enjoy what I am doing, and us having Melissa back home. Mom was an avid crocheter, and loved small projects like Tori's handmade flowers. So, when I saw her blog candy, my first thought was, "mom would love these"!
Please be sure to check out Tori's blog. She papercrafts, she fishes, she sews, she crochets, and she's still a baby! Just think what she'll be when she grows up - lol!!! You can find her at:

Tori, if you are reading, thank you so much!

Patti J.
~The pursuit of happiness is a most ridiculous phrase: If you pursue happiness you'll never find it. C.P. Snow


Tori H. said...

You are sooo welcome!! I think it is really neat that they remind you of your Mom! Thanks for all of your sweet words on my blog!

ps - still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up!! LOL!! :)


Anonymous said...

Congrats! The flowers are beautiful and you're so deserving! :)

SmallTownGirl said...

Tonight, the wine I was drinking was from a winery in Steelville, MO called Peaceful Bend. Check out one of the pages of their website:

Tori Wild said...

I saw you won those on Tori's blog-- Always cracks me up typing her name-- I feel like I'm talking about myself! Plus we both have a kid named Parker. Scary! :) Can't wait to see what you do with the flowers!

Tammy D. said...

Blog Candy is something I need especially from Florida. You do beautiful art. Thank-you, Tammy