Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Happy fall, ya'll......

Good morning! Thanks for stopping by today...

I know that we still have a few days before fall officially begins, but I have to say that when I let the dogs out at about 5:30 this morning, there was a crispness in the air that felt both good and also a bit like, YIKES! Already? lol...We are never happy - when it's hot, we want cool. When it's cool, we want hot.

Back to business. For my second project as guest designer for Creative Cuts and More, I chose one of their window cards that included a mat. I chose an orange card, with a brown mat. I wanted the card to be very visible, so decided on a very clean and simple look. Meet Pumpkin Birdie!

The image and sentiment are from the Pre-Colored set, Pumpkin Birdie, from Doodle Pantry. What fun! I printed the image, cut it out with a circle Nestie, embossed around it, and drew in some faux stitching with the die still on the image. The sentiment was trimmed and matted with scraps sent from Creative Cuts and More, and attached to this fabulous 3-D label from CCM. A few more 'stitches', a handful of teensy pearls later, voila!

I hope that this blog post ends up looking halfway okay. I'm still getting used to the new blogger format, and can't wrap my mind around seeing HTML codes where photos used to be! If anyone knows how I can have the new format, but actually see my links and photos while typing, I'd love to know!!!

Okay, here's something else that I'm just learning....Supplies used:

Thanks for being patient with me. Technology just keeps improving, and I'm trying to keep up!

Have a great Tuesday - I'm off to the Animal Shelter this morning. Hugs and blessings to you all,

Patti J.

Food for Thought: Dieting is the penalty for exceeding the 'feed' limit.


Dr Sonia S V said...

Patti this is so cute and lovely. I like aperture cards and yours is fabulous


Auntie Em said...

I love your sweet birdie and pumpkins. Your colouring is awesome! You are right, the CAS design really makes the image pop.
Fall is such a relief from the heat and muggy weather we get in the summer but a little sad since it does mean the days of coats and boots are creeping closer!
Thanks for sharing! :)

Dawnll said...

I NEVER complain about the weather-unless it is cold!!!
Go figure living in WI.
This is an adorable image and the colors are perfect with the orange and brown layers. Another great project my friend.

The Other Patti Sue said...

CAAAAA~ute! Your coloring is amazing! I didn't even try the new format...

Dawn Frost said...

Patti adorable birdie card and I LOVE how you used your technology! Way to go, lol, I'm still learning.

craftieodmae said...

I love how you are showing what supplies you used, I would love to learn how to do this!!! Your card is adorable!!! The bird is so cute!

Paper Compulsions said...

Great coloring job. I love the highlights on the birdie.

Anonymous said...

AWWW!!! Patti, this is really precious hun!! I adore the Fall image and I just ADORE Fall!! My fave time of year with the changing leaves, pretty colors and crisp air...LOVE IT!! ;)...just like your creation hun!!

With the new blogger format, I don't see an html code where my photos should be, I actually SEE the photo in my posting...do you have it in html format when you are posting? I'm not sure what you mean hun...

Gail said...

adorable patti, great coloring and love the way you show cased the image..tfs..loves ya

Glenda Atkins said...

Adorable card, love the clean,crisp look of it. I need to do more aperture cards, yours is great!

Shirley Hotop said...

Very cute - love the pumpkin birdie - but then I love all doodle bug stuff!!! And you have added something new to your blog - how smart is that - great advertising for the product used.

Kristine said...

SOO very cute Patti :) SO, does the new format insert the li'l thumbnails?? I haven't switched over to the new dashboard thingy so not sure if this is the "new" thing you're talking about or not. :) Will have to just dig in and try it out. I'm actually getting a li'l bit set in my ways where I'm not quite as comfortable with new things that require reading and figuring out. I like being "comfortable" but hey, if it's something cool like that, I'm game!! LOL *Ü*

Kristine said...

Okay Patti... to answer your question about seeing HTML... there's 2 options at the top left of wher eyou type your post. One says "COMPOSE" and the other "HTML"... just click Compose. Also, if you click on the OPTIONS (under settings on the right) there's one that says "SHOW HTML LITERALLY" or "INTERPRET TYPED HTML" ... click that last one to interpret it. :) Hope that helps!! Now how did you get those li'l thumbnails for suplies?? LOL!

Crystal said...

AWWWWW Patti this is totally SWEEET!!! I LOVE this cute image, and your coloring is FANASTIC and LOVE the design!!! SO DARLING!!! Hope you are having a great week!

Betty Benton said...

Cute card -- love the little birdie! Enjoy your cooler weather!

Bonnie Weiss said...

What an adorable little image. You sure brought it to life with your card design, Patti.

Amy Johnson said...

Awww, such a sweet fall card!

Bernie said...

Beautiful! Love the design, and that cute image, which is superbly colored. Love the sentiment!
Blessings Bernie

Richard said...

This looks great Patti! I haven't switched to the new blogger yet....change scares me. Love to know how you did the thumbnail supplies, though! Have a great one!!!

Kathy W. said...

Very cute Patti! Love the new thumbnail supply list too.

Pat (mspfd) said...

Beautiful design, Patti! Love the crispness and colors of your design; It sets off the images perfectly.

Mary Anne / MA54K said...

Sweet little birdie! I need that crip air and I hear it is headed my way late tomorrow! Hugs!

Sue said...

Love the simple design, lets that sweet image do the talking!!!1


Karen Howard said...

Love how you cut out an opening over the image and this birdie is super cute!

Audrey Frelx said...

Awwwww, Patti! Pumpkin Birdie is just so sweet and adorable!!! And how cute and grand he looks perched on the pumpkin posing on your adorable card! Love it!!!

Thanks for coming by to visit and leaving such a kind and warm comment! Wish I were 12 again!!! LOL!!!

Hey, I know what you mean about the weather; there's a nip in the air around here too!!!

Hugs, my friend!

Vicki said...

Patti your card is beautiful!! I just love that little birdie and him on those pumpkins is just the bomb!:)

Anonymous said...

Ohhh gorgeous card ! Love this time of year, happy fall to you too
hugs June xxxx

Carolyn King said...

that is awesome. never heard of pre colored images---great thought as they look wonderful. love the window design!

Iris said...

Love the simplicity of your card! The birdie is adorable and the banner makes it all the better! Awesome job!

And, I'm sure you'll get the hang of it real fast! It's ment to help you right?!

Elizabeth Hart said...

What fun indeed - this card is delightful. I love how you open it up and there is the super cute image waiting inside.

Jan Hunnicutt said...

What a darling card!

Patti P. said...

I need to check out the site you are designing for...love this card and the embellies for your sentiment. Great job in showcasing this adorable image. Good job on the new stuff as well....I know everyone has asked how you got the pictures, now off to see if you put the answer somewhere on your blog post.
Patti P.

Laurie Unger said...

This is just adorable Patti!

Shirley said...

So sweet, cute and pretty too!

Melisa Waldorf said...

I feel bad that I didnt' know about this. Congrats for being their guest designer this month. You gotta email good news like this to me, because you know I'm a slacker on the blog hopping. I had never seen that banner! Such a cute card! I love it!