
Thursday, September 25, 2008

Almost Friday!

Well, Thursday is much closer to Saturday than is Monday! - It is almost the weekend - hooray!

Poor Stan the man has a leak in Branson, and they have to locate and isolate it prior to his even starting the trip home. He never seems to catch a good break (no pun intended, really!). It's going to be a very late night for him. Send up a few prayers!

Meli's 'big event' that she is moderating is tonight in Brooklyn. Send up a few prayers for her as well. She seems a wee bit nervous! I'm sure that these folks would much rather see her moderate than I. lol

It really has the beginnings of a 'fall' feel here. It's still very warm, but the grasshoppers, spiders, flies, etc., all act like the weather is about to change. We (well at least one of we - the great hunter Stan) killed a ginormous black fuzzy spider on the carport on Tuesday that was probably 4" in diameter. Yuk. I have very much enjoyed driving home from work this week with the top down on the little car. Some days it is just too nice NOT to go topless!!!

I hope to figure out how to insert some of my creations into this blog. Hopefully, I'll find a few minutes to practice over the weekend in between monthly reports (egads, can't believe it's that time again!). I would love to share some things with my out of town family!

I am currently reading the newest John Grisham book, "Playing for Pizza". It's pretty fast reading, and pretty decent so far. It's about an NFL player who really botches a championship game, and ends up having to travel to Italy to play football. Apparently the football players in Italy play mostly for pizza, and rarely for money! Anyway, it's a good read so far - I'll let you know in a day or two if it's worth the purchase!

We are in the midst of a bathroom remodel, and Momma Pat is so excited! It seems almost surreal, as we have talked about it for several years, and suddenly it is beginning to happen! It's exciting, frightening, and expensive! However, I am very sure that the jets in the tub, and the ambiance of the new room will have me soon worrying less about the cost, and more about the urge to get water wrinkles!

I'm off to work in my craft room for a little while. Blessings to anyone who is bored enough and brave enough to log on and read my ramblings! I love you all!!!


"Life was so much easier when your clothes didn't match and boys had cooties!" ---Unknown


  1. I'm grateful for your blog. Makes me feel that I know what's going on with your world. please keep it up!
