
Saturday, September 27, 2008

Not Enough Hours in a Saturday!

I have tried and tried, but just can't seem to squeeze enough hours into a Saturday and Sunday to get everything done and still have time to be creative. If any of you have any suggestions, I am open to them!

It was a beautiful Saturday in Missouri - about 77 degrees, slight breeze, sunny - made you want to just sit on the porch with a cold glass of tea, and forget about chores, shopping, cooking, etc.

Speaking of cooking, the Lion's Club had a BBQ today, so I didn't have to cook!!! We picked up a couple of pork steak dinners, and they were very good!

I just finished a card swap, and am beginning to think about the one that is due the end of October. It will be a Christmas card swap, and I'm already anxious to see what the others do. There will be 12 of us for the Oct. swap. It's always fun to do a swap - you end up with 12 totally different techniques, colors, stamps, etc.

I also need to begin planning another class. I had to turn away about four people last time, and promised to schedule another class soon. Since we have begun this bathroom/kitchen remodel, it seems sinful to be gone on a Saturday when I should be here helping Manley Stanley in his intensive labor projects!

Today we bought the faucets, and they are SO un-us!!! I'm excited about them. They are a Tuscan look - very dark, with a trim of a coppery edging on them. We have always had silver or gold, and these are very unique. I know it's going to be many weeks before we are done, as we can only work a few hours a week, and I'm trying to be patient, but I am SO excited!

I must be signing off for now - going to work on some boards!

Have a good night - Patti J.

~Give someone a smile and a compliment today - you will make two people happy! (unknown)


  1. I think that renovating a bathroom, planning classes, and doing card swaps all at once means that YOU should be giving US advice on staying creative even on busy days! How do you do it all?

  2. oooohhhh, tuscan.... sounds loverly!!
