
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Much too quiet

It's been a very tough week for me at work this week.

As always, in any business, change is a prevelant factor.

The 'change' this week in our workplace, included part of our program moving into other buildings within the district. This move is a good thing for the students involved, as they will certainly have more resources than we can offer, but I have to be honest when I say that I already miss the little stinkers terribly! Some have been with us a long time!

And...of course, as well as the students moving on, the staff did as well. My BFF, was one of the gals to move on. I'm excited for her, but selfishly sad for me! We have worked together since 1996, and a very close friendship came out of our working together. It was so quiet with them all gone today. I know it will be okay - I firmly believe the saying that "if God takes you to it, He'll take you through it." It's just going to take some time.

As we head into another Homecoming weekend, memories come pouring back into my mind, of our kids when they were younger. So many festivities - spirit week meant coming up with tons of 'costumes', float building meant many late nights in town at the armory, the parades included band, football, and queen candidate entries, and then there were the football games, dances, etc. When we were in the midst of it all, it seemed overwhelming. Now, looking back, it was so enjoyable! We miss those days!

Well another day has come to an end! It's going to be tough getting up tomorrow if I don't get some rest. My prayers tonight are that John is safely returned from his trip to Colorado this week, that Melissa finds some peace with her job situation (or that I get to 'slap' someone in her office!), and that my dear man Stan makes it home safely from his travels tomorrow night.

Good night all - sweet dreams!

Patti J.

1 comment:

  1. your BFF misses you terribly... but God is indeed working. I am developing a theory about all this. Will share when I find the words. love ya
