
Monday, July 1, 2019

Anything Goes at Scor-Pal

Happy June, everyone!

July already? Seriously?
Seems like I just barely flipped from 2018 to 2019 on the calender, and here we are halfway through the year already...time flies when you're having fun!  This is my second post today. If you are looking for my 2 Crafty Critter Crazies post, just scroll up!
The monthly challenge at Scor-Pal, is Anything Goes, with an option of patriotic, and of course, more than one fold.

I created a darling gift box, and it was completed and photographed before I remembered the Patriotic twist to this challenge. It would have been pretty cute in red, white, and blue!

For my project, I used: Scor-Pal Eighths, and Scor-Tape 1/4".

Here is the box...

We hope to see your creations with texture in our 'More Than One Fold', Scor-Pal challenge!

We also have a ton of inspiration in the Projects section of the Scor-Pal website and also on our Pinterest Board to help you get creative! 

Happy Scoring!
Patti J.

P.S. You can find the instructions for this great little gift box HERE!


  1. Love this box - perfect for a votive candle. I can see your next ladies project!!! The ribbon is the perfect addition to the Hello. Can't wait for the directions to this box.

  2. Stunning, stunning, stunning. Love the little gift box!
    Lots of love from Isia xx

  3. I love making boxes, and I make a lot of them. Yours is adorable. I took a peek at the instructions and it looks pretty do-able. I'll have to give it a try. TFS

  4. This is just adorable, and nice gift inside!

  5. Fabulous box, awesome gift box, hugs, Lori m

  6. Well, isn't this just the sweetest little box with such a nice little gift inside, who doesn't love a candle!! Love the colors too. Nice idea, Patti, thanks for sharing the directions.


  7. Beautiful gift box Patti, I love that the co!our you used matches your little candle perfectly :)
