
Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Plan B...

Good morning!

So, I've been a bit busy.

I've been blogging about an upcoming trip on March 11th, to help our daughter and her family when the new baby comes on or about March 19th.  Well, our sweet little boy didn't want to wait that long! 
We got a call on Monday morning, February 26th, that I was needed asap. I packed a bag, and caught an afternoon fight, getting into D.C. that evening. Dear daughter was induced on Monday, and we got our beautiful new grandson on Tuesday, February 27th!

I'll continue to be MIA for a while, but have several prescheduled posts.
Be sure to ignore all of my chatter about an upcoming trip 😉

Hope you are all well...
Thanks for stopping by,
Patti J.


  1. How wonderful, to be able to go and help out with the new baby. Congratulations to all!!

  2. Congratulations on your new grandson, Patti!! How exciting!! Enjoy your time with your family!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  3. Congratulations Grandma!! I'm glad to hear things went well. Hugs.

  4. Congratulations, Hugs and safe travels!!!

  5. Congratulations! Enjoy your time with the new little one and his family. As long as the little one is healthy that is the main thing. I hope all is well with the mother and child.
