
Monday, March 5, 2018

Hey you guys!

Hey there, you guys!

Boy, did I ever have a surprise last week when I went to the Post Office...

I had a free copy of this magazine.

Why free?  Because I had a card published in it!

What a surprise - it had been about 10 months since I sent a few cards to them
After all those months, I just figured that they had donated the cards.

Don't you just love happy mail???

I hope that your week is going well, and that you are finding some time to be creative!

Hugs and blessings,
Patti J.


  1. BIG congratulations, my friend!!!! I haven't purchased this mag for several years now...guess I'm going to go get this puppy though! Yay!!!!

  2. What a lovely surprise, congratulations!! I'm not sure if we get it over here but I'll have to keep an eye out x

  3. Congratulations on being published, Patti! That was definitely a fun surprise.

  4. Congrats are in order Patti! I will look you up ;-)
    Greetings from Chicago~

  5. Congratulations Pattie! What an awesome surprise. :)
