
Thursday, March 15, 2018

All Things Bright...Reminder!


It's mid-month, and I'm here to remind you about the challenge over on the Scor-Pal Blog.

The challenge is 'All Things Bright and Beautiful'.

Here's another look at a cute box that I made to hold some Easter candy.  Some spring colored plaid paper and stamps were used on this project.
I used my 1/8" Scor-Pal Score Board, and 1/2" Scor-Tape to create
this fun box.

Hoping this one made you think spring, too!

Be sure to head over to the Scor-Pal blog and join in our challenge.
You need to have more than one score on your card or project, and use some
bright and beautiful colors!  Good luck!

Thanks for stopping by today,

Patti J.

Friday, March 9, 2018

Soon to arrive...Captain America!

Good morning!

I'm sure you recall that I was on-line very little in February.

As you know, we've been doing a bit of freshening up/remodeling in our family room.
This has entailed my refinishing of our brick fireplace with a six step finishing process, painting walls, and sewing curtains. Then, hubby and I hung new rods and new curtains (after he replaced windows!).  We also ripped up old carpeting, pad, and staples, and replaced with a pretty soft, plush

Here's a little something else that I was working on during that time!
Our daughter is very close to her due date with baby number three.  We know it's a boy,
but as with the other babies, we will be surprised with his name, after he is born, so
for now, mom, dad, and kids are calling the new baby 'Captain America'.
Each time there's a grandbaby born, grandma makes a baby quilt.
What better than a Captain America theme?

Here is the top before finishing.  I'm including this photo only because I took all of the finished photos upside down, and they look wonky if I rotate them to right side up!!!  lol... only an excited grandma would do something silly like that, right?
This (upside down) photo shows the soft, fluffy binding, which is also what the backing is
made of.  I always hand tie at each corner or point.

For whatever reason, my computer won't let me remove just one of these two photos.
Sorry!  You get to see one more partial picture!

Click on any of the pics to see a bit larger photo, if you wish!
Anyway, just thought I'd share with you what I've been working on!
I'll soon be in DC wearing my grandma hat for a month, and can't wait to see the family, 
and meet the new baby boy!

Have a great day!
Thanks for dropping by to say hello!

Patti J.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Plan B...

Good morning!

So, I've been a bit busy.

I've been blogging about an upcoming trip on March 11th, to help our daughter and her family when the new baby comes on or about March 19th.  Well, our sweet little boy didn't want to wait that long! 
We got a call on Monday morning, February 26th, that I was needed asap. I packed a bag, and caught an afternoon fight, getting into D.C. that evening. Dear daughter was induced on Monday, and we got our beautiful new grandson on Tuesday, February 27th!

I'll continue to be MIA for a while, but have several prescheduled posts.
Be sure to ignore all of my chatter about an upcoming trip 😉

Hope you are all well...
Thanks for stopping by,
Patti J.

Monday, March 5, 2018

Hey you guys!

Hey there, you guys!

Boy, did I ever have a surprise last week when I went to the Post Office...

I had a free copy of this magazine.

Why free?  Because I had a card published in it!

What a surprise - it had been about 10 months since I sent a few cards to them
After all those months, I just figured that they had donated the cards.

Don't you just love happy mail???

I hope that your week is going well, and that you are finding some time to be creative!

Hugs and blessings,
Patti J.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

All Things Bright and Beautiful...


It's the first of the month, and we have a new challenge starting up on the Scor-Pal Blog.

The challenge is 'All Things Bright and Beautiful', so I immediately thought
about a spring project. I'm so weary of dark, rainy, dismal days - so looking forward
to some sunshine!

Here's a cute box that I made to hold some Easter candy.  I could not
resist using some spring colored plaid cardstock and stamps!
I used my 1/8" Scor-Pal Score Board, and 1/2" Scor-Tape to create
this fun box.

Hoping this one made you think spring, too!

Be sure to head over to the Scor-Pal blog and join in our challenge.
You need to have more than one score on your card or project, and use some
bright and beautiful colors!  Good luck!

I'm going to enter this in the 'Anything Goes' challenge at Repeat Impressions.

 Thanks for stopping by today,

Patti J.