
Sunday, March 13, 2011

Please Help!

Hello, dear blogging friends!

I don't often plea for help, but am doing so today. A little background...

I worked with a lady for many, many years. We called her our little bionic woman. She's only about 5'1" tall, and probably 110 lbs. at her heaviest! When she was in her late teens, she was driving her volkswagon, and was hit head-on by a drunk driver. As you know, the older VW's had the engines in the back, so there was literally nothing between her and this idiot's vehicle. I'll spare all of the gory details, but she has hip replacements, knee replacements, pins in many other places, and her hands are so twisted and knarled with arthritis that she can barely dress herself.

In spite of all of this, Penny never complains. She feels like, for whatever reason, it was God's plan that she and this drunk would 'meet' that unfortunate day long ago. She is the most upbeat, positive, hopeful, and prayerful woman that I have ever met. Through this all, she continues to work in the Special Education field. She is at the high school now, but for years, worked with the inner city troubled teens, teaching core subjects, and special ed classes at the alternative school where I met and worked with her.

Friday afternoon, Penny took a very bad fall at school. She has pretty much mangled the femur in her 'bad' leg. The docs are going to insert yet another rod, this one will go from her hip prosthesis to as close as they can get to her knee replacement, and still give her a bit of 'bending motion'.

At best, she is looking at a very lengthy and extremely painful recovery process. The minimum will be three months, and they are very much thinking that with all of her other issues, it will take much, much longer. Penny is very independent, and this will be difficult for her, especially with her hospitalization being in the city, 1.5 hours from all of us!

What I am hoping for is cards for her - lots and lots and LOTS of cards! She has a great sense of humor, so funny cards, pretty cards, interactive cards - whatever you feel that you can send will be wonderful. These don't need to come all at once, as she will be laid up for quite some time.

If you feel you can help, please mail her cards to me. As she may be moved from place to place, if you do that, I can get them to her a few at a time. Please feel free to ask your friends to send cards as well.

If you would like to write a note inside, just make it to Penny. Address the envelope to me:

Patti Gilliam
P.O. Box 787
Farmington, Mo. 63640

In the bottom left corner, just put Attn: PB.

Thank you so much! I know that this will be such a bright spot in her day!

Hugs and blessings,
Patti J.

Food for thought: Consider the postage stamp: its usefulness consists in the ability to stick to something until it gets where it is going!


  1. You got it buddy! Penny sounds like an amazing woman... I'll make her a card today! :D

  2. I'm in! I will get a few cards off to you so you can stagger them!

  3. Oh how unbelievable.
    Patti- of course I will send some funny and thinking of you cards.
    I hope you get lots and lots of cards.

  4. It's going out in the morning mail! She sounds like a rock and God Bless you for doing this for her!

  5. She sounds like an incredible person. I'll gladly send you some cards. If I send a couple you can space 'em out! She's gonna be needing friends like you to get through this one.

  6. How sweet of you Patti. I'm not good about getting things mailed, as Olga will tell She's been waiting on me to mail her a package for over a week now....Haven't been anywhere to get a manilla envlope....

    I will be happy to send you some cards and you can distribute them as and when you feel the time is right. Keeping Penny in prayer. "Hugs" Carol

  7. Oh heart goes out to Penny!!!! I will be glad to get some cards to you next week!!!

  8. My cards will be headed your way tomorrow!

  9. You are a great person, Patti, and I will be so happy to brighten her day!

  10. I will do my best to get something out in the next few days for Penny. Big hugs!

  11. You are so sweet Patti! I would love to send something to you to send to her.


  12. Patti, you are such a good friend. What a painful thing for this woman to have gone through! Will send you some cards soon that you can give to her over time. God Bless you both.


  13. Oh oh....I just sent out the card but didn't put attention on it. I wrote a note inside, so you will see it's not for you. I will send you a card another day. You are so sweet to do that for your friend!
    Hugs and smiles

  14. Poor thing. I will get one out in the morning. :)

  15. Awwwww Patti--- So sorry your friend is going through this! She sounds like a great lady. I'll get right on this. I hope her surgery goes well! She'll be in my prayers.

  16. Oh wow!! So very sorry to hear this!! This is such the sweetest thing to do for her hun!! A card will be sent soon!! :) Best wishes for a speedy recovery and big hugs!!

  17. so sorry to hear this, but wow, she sounds like an amazing lady! I'll be making a funny medical card for an upcoming challenge, when I finish it and photograph it, I'll send it out! Thanks for sharing this patti!

  18. Patti, how true to special ed staffing this dear lady's story is! Those who can do and know the heart of ministry in heartfelt assists and guiding within the teaching profession are the gut and go of sped. Penny will cherish every card and pen stroke from crafters and students alike. Postcards are on their way until this roadtrip rests a few days. Penny will have some highway flavor without the pain of a curve in the road!
    Blessings on you as greetings to pass on arrive amid your cares and concerns in student life. Blessings on docs, nurses, and staff as surgery is underway. Finite care and solid rest bless Penny along recovery path 3 - 6 month 'femur' growth. Anyone have a sheepskin to share as Penny needs help avoiding bedsores?
    Keep Looking UP!

  19. Patti, since you monitor comments, I would like to ask you if you have come across Kathy (Kathi) Hoiland in education: possibly in administration by now. She was a MO gal who took time in Roundup, Montana. Our sons graduated from high school is class of '69. Been wondering what became of her, her family, her career, so am asking you if you are aware of her continued education involvement. Reading was a big emphasis for her in the last four years before she moved back to MO. Thanks for the update and connection if you see a possibility.
    Praying for Penny as I type...get into this surgery day. What a trooper!
    Keep Looking UP!
    mt23stamper at yahoodotcom

  20. Oh Patti~So sorry to hear about your dear friend Penny! I will keep her in my prayers and will be glad to send a card off to her...
