
Wednesday, April 19, 2017

April Inspiration Palette Challenge

So glad you stopped by today!

It's time for a new Inspiration Palette challenge at The House that Stamps Built!

Here is the photo that we were given for inspiration:

When I looked at this photo, I immediately thought of the old shaving cream technique. I drug some food coloring out of the pantry, raided the Mr.'s bathroom for shaving cream, and voila...a background was born.

Here is what I made today, using these Repeat Impressions Stamps:

Now, it's your turn!
Come on over and join us in our Inspiration Palette Challenge!  If I
can do it, you can do it!!!

Remember, you don't HAVE to use Repeat Impressions Stamps
but if you do, you have double the chance of winning!
I can't wait to see your beautiful cards using this photo!!!

Check out my sidebar to see how you can save money on your RI orders!

Now, it's time to see what my DT friends have created!

Laurie     Cheri    Deonna    Joy     Heather    Shirley   Donna

Happy Hopping!
Hope you link up a card this week!

Thanks for stopping by,
Patti J.


  1. I don't see your card? Is it just my computer?

  2. Beautiful! worth the wait.............

  3. Wowza. You really rocked the challenge. Your shaving cream background turned out so very well. You da bomb!

  4. a beautiful array of colors and you used them perfectly on your gorgeous card. I love your design.

  5. Gorgeous card Patti, your shave cream background looks just like the photo challenge, it is stunning!

  6. Haven't done this technique in a really long time - I forgot how pretty it is and love your colors. Usingthe sentiment was the perfect accent that it needed.

  7. I've never tried the shaving cream technique. Looking at your card, I really am inspired to give it a try. I don't expect it'll turn out as pretty as yours, but we'll see what happens...

  8. Patti, this is AWESOME!!! Your shaving background is perfect!! What a great idea; and I never thought you could use food coloring for this, I've only seen it down with reinkers! I will definitely have to give it a try now, as I have plenty of food coloring!!

  9. Love the swirls! I need to use this technique!

  10. You nailed this technique to go along with the photo inspiration. Perfection!

  11. So pretty Patti and that black just pops stamped on there!

  12. Love the colors, and the marble effect you got with this card. So pretty.
    Happy for you to have baby time, enjoy every minute.


  13. Wow!!! The shaving cream technique was a perfect choice for this inspiration piece. I've never used food coloring with it, I've always used reinkers...I learned something new. Love your interpretation, my friend.

  14. ohhh...I love how you did that background. Haven't done that technique in years--might have to give it a go!

  15. Ooooh I'm lovin your gorgeous colourful BG Patti! That might be an oldie technique to you but I've never tried it!

  16. So pretty Patti. Love the shaving cream technique on the background! Fantastic color combo.
