
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Whew....I can tell our secret!

Good morning, and Happy Wednesday!

Our family has been keeping a secret for well over a month, and I thought I would BURST if I couldn't tell!  Today, we were told we could shout if from the rooftops!  Well, this is a computer desk, and not a rooftop, but peeps, I am shouting as LOUD as I can!!!  DH and I are going to be first-time grandparents in February!
(Jan and Tim, if you are reading, I'm sure you are equally excited!  This could well be the most spoiled baby in the history of babies :)

Remember when I posted this card a few weeks ago?  Well, it was for our daughter and son-in-law to congratulate them on their good news!  They wanted to wait until they were through the first tri-mester, and had seen the doc again, to be sure that all was well.  It seems that they have a very precious, very active little baby bump! 

So, be prepared, my scrappy friends and family - I will be bragging, bragging, and bragging soon, as I know that our grandbaby will be the best, prettiest or most handsome, smartest grandbaby ever!

We spent a couple of days on the road this week, and while gone, we managed to find a Carter's Store, so I'm off to get a package ready to go in the mail!

Have a great day - hugs and blessings,

Patti J.


  1. Oh, my goodness Patti! I'm so stinking excited for you! Congratulations to EVERYONE! God is soooo good!

  2. Oh My Goodness!!! Congratulations!!!! LOVE this cute little card!

  3. Oh wow what happy news!! Congratulations to you and your family my friend! :)

    Your creation is so adorable!! I love your design and fun baby elements sticking from the drawers! HUGS

  4. Oh Patti what wonderful news, I am so happy for you and your family! You are going to LOVE being a grandma! CONGRATULATIONS to all!!!

    When I press the comment button on your Bloglovin page it will not let me post a comment, I have to go up to the e-mail and bring up your blog. I don't know if it is my end or yours.

  5. congrat to you Patti! There is nothing like being a Grandma! yea! hahahahaha! So happy for you!

  6. CONGRATULATIONS!!! And brag away.....there is nothing so precious as a grandchild! Hugs, Granni! ;)

  7. WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm SUPER excited for you and shouting with you!!! That card is ABSOLUTELY PRECIOUS!!!! Tooooo CUTE........

  8. WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! How SUPER exciting!!! I'm shouting it with you!!!! That card is also ADORABLE!!!!!

  9. You will be just like all of us grandmas - they don't make "brag books" for no reason!!! LOL. Congrats to you and "gramps" and Mom and Dad too.

  10. This is such exciting news, Patti! I am thrilled for you - you will be the prettiest, smartest, kindest, best grandma ever! I pray that all goes well for baby and mama over the next 6 months. Looking forward to more baby news on CEPD!

  11. What happy HAPPY news to share! Your card is beautiful (and happy too). That's the fun part of being a grandma, grammy, meme, meemaw, nana, nanny, memiere, or oma - showering the little one with lots and lots of cute things. Best wishes to your family!

  12. Congratulations Pattti! Grandma can spoil the little
    one as much as they want and then send them home.
    What fun they are! See you Saturday. Marian

  13. What wonderful news! I love your card!

  14. Congratulations. Being a grand is the best thing ever. You will love it.

  15. Wow! Congrats! Can't wait to see all your creations... it is going to be one lucky child to have you as a grandma!

  16. Congratulations to you and your DD and SIL! What fabulous news to have to share. You are right, that is going to be one spoiled baby for sure! I'm just thrilled for all of you! Hugs, Curt

  17. I am tickled pink (or blue) for you Gwamma!

  18. what happy news Patty! I love your card! hugs, Helena

  19. Congrats to you and your family! I am the Mother of the first grands in my family and at 32 yrs they (twins) are still spoiled. Great card!

  20. Awww, congratulations big time. Such a happy time when babies are coming. This is such a delightful card, and what a wonderful way to present all the baby embellies to have them popping out of the dresser drawers. Inspired design I have to say. You can brag all you like, I enjoy hearing about babies! (been a long time since one was at our house, and alas, only granddogs, but ....). Loved your card. TFS

  21. Congratulations! I'm so excited for you! You seem so happy!

  22. Congrats to you, Patti! I do know how exciting that is - we'll have our fifth one (barely five years and under) in October:)

  23. Big congrats to you and the proud parents to be.Lucky child, sounds like it will be born to a family that will cherish him/her! hugs to all

  24. Congratulations my sweet friend. What a blessing from God to welcome a new baby. I pray that the mother and baby have a healthy, supernatural pregnancy and birth. May God bless your family.

  25. Congratulations again! Also, love that card with the dresser. I still have the white dresser my sons used and their almost 30 years old!
