
Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

I know I've been busy lately, but I guess I've been literally hiding under a rock!  
It has just recently come to my attention that as of July 1st, we will no longer have the Blogger Reader for keeping up with all of our bloggy friends.  
And, yes, I did go to Blogger and verify...(said with an extremely sad face).
Edit: It is my understanding that we will still have the follower widget, just not the 'Google Reader'. If someone knows differently, please let me know!

Have any of you decided which other service that you are going to use for 
keeping up with your blogs?

Here are some of the options that I've had recommended by friends, and have been researching.

I would LOVE to know what you are looking into!

I wish that Blogger would stop trying to 'fix' what's not broken, but I guess we can't expect so much when we are getting this blog program for free :)

I am looking forward to reading your comments on this one!

No time to make a card for today, so here are my good thoughts for you all!

Patti J.


  1. Love this card but then I love all your cards! I'm trying out (and finding it is a lot like Google Reader) NewsBlur. The bad part is they don't have any free accounts left anymore so you have to pay either $24 or $36 a year for it. :(

  2. omg... i had no clue. good thing i have you around for blog info. is blogger closing down or just not gonna let us "follow"? not sure i'm getting it. must check blogger buzz.

    anyway, love the card and where the heck are the NEW YOU pictures????

    happy st. pats and happy weekend.

    hugs :)

  3. Signed up for feebly, l think I like the formatted it is adjustable.

  4. pretty Patti! love the pretty frame and your cute green clover and gingham! I saw a gal walking into the Catholic church by us this a.m. with a green coat on...made me chuckle! I used to use google reader but I couldn't keep up with it, so I started getting email updates via feedburner. I like it that way. I just keep folders in my mac mail program to save the ideas I like. This year is speeding by again... I can't figure where the time goes! Happy Sunday to you!

  5. I'm really liking Feedly.

    Wonderful card!!

  6. Goodness, I had no idea Blogger was changing again ... I'm with you, I do wish they would stop making changes.

    Well I love your card, as always and I want to thank you for your comment on my blog about blog candy. So, I've made a change and hope that my followers will offer their thoughts.

    Thank you so much Patti, big hugs, Carole xox

  7. Hi Patti! Thanks for joining my site. So glad to meet you through Outlawz. I adore your cards!

  8. Color me surprised by the blogger news. . .However, I don't use any thing. . .I simply click on the name of each who have commented on my blog and there I am. It's all I have ever done. Hope you are doing well! Hugs, Curt

  9. oops,, guess I better start keeping up with blogger news Patti. Had no idea we were no longer going to have reader. Will start searching the options. I saw where a friend of mine is using bloglovin and had no clue what it was so didn't go there. Will check it out and let you know.

    Happy St. Pat's Day my friend! "Hugs" Carol

  10. gorgeous card, and just when I learn one they gotta go mess with it, I think they are out to get me LOL

  11. Love your card Patti but what a surprise about losing Google reader, oh dear they do try to make things difficult don't they!

  12. Great card. Love all the greens
