
Friday, November 2, 2012

Itty Bitty Blog Candy!

Good morning, and Happy Friday!

So, I'm not crafting today - I'm actually doing some cleaning, and guess what I found...
One more copy of this AMAZING CardMaker magazine!
Since I don't need two copies, I would love to give this copy away to one of my faithful followers.

How can you win?
Easy peasy...

Just leave me a comment on this blog post, telling me something that you are thankful for!
I look forward to reading your comments.

I'll go first - 
Gosh, I'm thankful for SO many things - we have good health, electricity, running water...
God has richly blessed us.  
Each day, I am so very thankful for my wonderful family. 
My husband is uber-supportive of my 'wasted' time in my girl-cave, 
and our son and daughter have both grown up to be very successful, compassionate adults.
Life is good, my friends!

Your turn - what are YOU thankful for?

I'll pick a winner on Sunday, and get this in the mail on Monday!

Have a great weekend,
Patti J.


  1. It brought such a smile to my face that you are thankful for water and electricity-so true that we take these things for granted.
    I am thankful for having a wonderful healthy child and loving husband and supportive mother.Ofcourse I cant miss out our dog too...I am thankful he is with us as he had to undergo 2 surgeries earlier poor doggy dear.

  2. What a wonderful opportunity Patti. I am thankful for my family, home, health, and I have to agree with you Patti on the running water. There are so many people in the world who don't have that luxury.
    Hugs, Rosalee

  3. So thankful to be living in this beautiful country of Mexico where the weather is wonderful and friends are many! And you and DH are welcome to come visit any time, Patti!

  4. I have so much to be thankful for, my health, great friends but most of all I have been blessed with 2 wonderful children that make me proud everyday.


  5. Exciting give away! I'm thankful that my Lord and Savior loves me so much that, through His son, I'm forgiven.

    I'm also super thankful for your friendship Patti! <3

  6. love the mag but i'm letting my subscription run out. i find way too many things on pinterest - LOL.

    big congrats on your wgt loss. i am soooooooooooooooooooo proud of you (and a bit jealous) but then i don't work at it AND i have lost 13 lbs. so that's a good thing right???

    hugs :)

  7. Thankful for God, life, health, family, friends,blogging buds, and even my job!!

  8. Great challenge! What I am most thankful for, is the reality check that God gave me a few years back when (like many) we hit hard times. We had had a thriving business that fell hard, and we lost almost everything I thought was important. Jack, my husband, and I fought about everything (due to the stress, I'm sure). On this day we were arguing about money and, accusations were flying. The last one (from him) was that he thought I'd spent money to get one of our dog's teeth cleaned. But the truth was, Opie, who was 100% Jack's dog, had a mass in his mouth that had to be removed and checked for cancer. I had hid that part from Jack, until I knew for sure. At least up until that last fight. When he found out the truth, he just walked outside with his little dog, and I followed. When I tried to console comes the reality check....He just stepped back and said, "If we loose EVERYTHING, and have to move to Africa and start all over, we still have each other. To this day, and everyday I am so very thankful for all the things that really matter and all those things I thought were important just don't matter anymore. BTW..I don't think we've had more than 1/2 dozen cross words, and it's been almost 4 years since that day.

  9. This is really nice of you to do! Like you, I'm thankful for many things, but for this comment, I'm thankful everyday for my two wonderful fur kids who keep me sane on so many days. Just like now, they are both here in my craft room sleeping and snoring LOL. It just reminds me "I'm home" and they make me feel safe and comfortable. Hugs, Curt

  10. I am thankful for my husband that I married 22 years ago today. I am thankful for our good friends here and across the country. I am thankful for the call I got from the vet today telling me that my 15yo dog DOES NOT have congestive heart failure. I am thankful for bloggers and other stampers for sharing their talents.

  11. Thankful for my life because I am battling cancer, thankful for my darling husband who is my rock of gibralta.

  12. I'm thankful for my friends and family and having a warm and cosy house ... oh and thankful too for all my lovely bloggy-buddies! :)

  13. I'm thankful for my home, family, friends, a job I love and my health.

  14. I'm also thankful for many, many things. Currently I'm thankful for 2nd chances. A few years ago I suffered a heart attack at the age of 46 and am thankful for the 2nd chance I was given. I recently had gastric bypass surgery (July 2012) and am thankful for the 2nd chance at getting my weight under control and a new healthier me!
