
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Blog Hop Winner

Happy Saturday, friends!

The winner of the free template from the Creations by AR blog hop, from MY blog is:

Ursula Uphof

Congratulations Ursula!!!  
You get to choose one of the two new templates that we showcased this week!!! 

Please email Adela with your choise of templates: The Scallop Card Bag, or The Folder Organizer!

Thanks for stopping by today, and have a beautiful day!

Patti J.


  1. Patti, thank you so much for choosing me as a winner. I will definitely ask Adela for the organiser, am so in love with it.
    Have a great weekend. Hugs Ursula

  2. Big congratulations to Ursula!!!

    P.S. Hi, Patti!

  3. Hello there friend!! Thanks so much for following me! Just wanted to let you know that if you want to follow me via friend connect (followers gadget), then PLEASE, pretty please go back to my website and resubmit yourself as a follower of my blog.  The followers gadget has changed.

    The reason for this is because I've added all of my "new website posts" to my old blogger blog at .  So you can get to me either way you search for me...BUT, if you were following me at either place, then please "re-follow" me again to be sure you get the updates.

    Hope this makes sense to you!  THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!!!

    P.S. Congrats to Ursula!! :)
    Vicki –

  4. Hi, Patti! Thanks for stopping by and leaving such a warm commet!

    Still loving your project!
