
Monday, May 21, 2012

Itty Bitty Blog Candy Winner!

Happy Monday evening,  friends.

I'm home, a bit tired, but so happy to have had some time with DD. She's a special young woman, even if I do say so myself...

Please send up some extra prayers for her DH.  He's in Afghanistan, and is not in a good place. Their area is pretty dangerous, and we are all so prayerful for their safety.  Two soldiers lost their lives last Friday. If any of you would like DSIL or DD's mailing addresses, please email me - they are so appreciative of your kindnesses.   Those of you who are so faithfully remembering them, I can never thank you enough.

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Now, for my Itty Bitty Candy Winner...

Cheryl W. - you are the lucky 'random' person!  Congratulations :)
Drop me an email (mamagilliam at gmail dot com) with your name, address, etc., and I'll get your teensy giftie right out!

Now, dear friends, I checked, and Cheryl W. needs some bloggy love...  She's been blogging only a short while, but she's doing a great job, and only has 2 followers!  We all remember what that was like.  If you have a few minutes, please check out Cheryl's blog, Paper Panacea, and enjoy her pretty creations.  Thanks!

Thanks for stopping by.  I'll be back tomorrow with a bit of something to share.

Patti J.


  1. So glad you had time with Melissa, and I keep them both in my daily thoughts and prayers.
    Went to visit Cheryl and say hello.
    Talk soon my friend

  2. Patti - how wonderful to have won your blog candy! And thank you so very much for your support of my new (and somewhat wobbly) blogging efforts. I am quickly finding out how lovely and kind people are in the crafting world. I'll send you an email right away with my address. Again, thank you so much!

  3. Hi Patti. I popped over to see Cheryl's pretty blog. She has so many lovely things to see. Thanks for the link! :)

  4. please know DD and all of you are ALWAYS in my prayers!

    congrats to leeann and i'm off to check her out.

    p.s. yep. i posed for that cutie-nudie pix LOL. don't i wish!

    hugs :)

  5. oops. sorry... i meant CHERYL!

    more hugs :)

  6. Glad to hear you had a fun time with Melissa - her hubby has been away for such a long time, hope its not too long before he's home safe.
    Off now to give Cheryl some love...!

  7. Patti, I will keep your DD and DSIL in my prayers. Members of my own family are in the military and stateside right now - one nephew returned safely from 3 tours in Iraq. May God bless you and your family with the same joy.

  8. Hey there! Just stopping by while taking a break from cleaning out drawers before I start packing. I've looked through several posts and you have done some beautiful work. Can't wait to get this all behind me so that I can start crafting again. I miss it so as do I miss all of you. I am keeping your family in prayer! Hugs, Curt
