
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Winner! Winner! Winner! would think they've won the lottery, looking at that Blog Title!

First, I want to wish my very good friend, and birthday twin a Happy Birthday today!  Dawn Lotharius is one of the kindest, sweetest, most sincere folks I've met out here in blogland, and we have shared a birthday the last few years!  By the way, Dawn has some absolutely FABULOUS blog candy on her blog, so be sure to head over there and comment for a chance to win.

Next, thank you ALL for so many sweet wishes today!  I have found wishes every place I've 'traveled' this morning in blogland, as well as Facebook, email, and the sites that I belong to.  You are all so kind, and I'm so blessed.

Now, onto my winner!  The winner of the Tim Holtz Ink Pad is Regena

Congratulations, Regena!  Please drop me an email at: mamagilliam at gmail dot com

I'll get your giftie right out to you!

Thanks everyone for stopping by!
Back later with a pretty share :)



  1. WooHoo! Congrats to Regena. And thanks Patti for having this wonderful giveaway
    Hugs, Rosalee

  2. Happy Birthday Patti. Hope you have a great day.

  3. Happy birthday sweet Patti! Everything you said about Dawn can also be said about you.
    I hope your have a wonderful day!
    Hugs and smiles

  4. I just had to leave a birthday wish over here also. Hope it's been great so far. Congrats, Regina!

  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY PATTI !!!!! ... and wishing you many, many, many more to come.

  6. Happy birthday! Another year of your awesomeness!

  7. I can't believe I missed your Birthday Patti, I have been chasing my tail for the past 2weeks, trying to do some spring cleaning and decorating :(
    I want to send you the biggest hugs though and wish you a wonderful year full of lovely things xxxxx Hugs Mau xx
