
Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day, my friends!!!
Sigh...I am ashamed to say that I didn't mail out any Valentine's Cards to you this year. It's been a wild month, with the snow and ice, some personal things going on, and my computer crashing (new computer should be here Friday!).
Since it is a total chore to post with this borrowed laptop,
I'm going to leave you with this card that I made a month or so ago.
I think the image is so sweet, and...
The sentiment is true - you all really do warm my heart!
Thank you for your friendship!
You can see all of the card details here.
Have a wonderful week!
Patti J.


  1. well you did more than I did, I didn't make but maybe 2 LOL. Your card is priceless!!!!

  2. cute! I didn't get any made either! I'm doing good to get one challenge card a week made! Haven't really gotten geared up yet! Happy Valentine's Day to you too!

  3. So adorable... Happy Valentine day to you my friend!

  4. This is soooo super ADORABLE Patti, LOVE your coloring and this sweetest image!!!!! Hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day sweetheart!!!!

  5. What a darling image and a wonderful card! A new computer -- bet you'll be glad when it gets there!

  6. i didn't mail any out either and i probably won't send easter cards either.

    this is darling!

    happy V-day.

    hugs :)

  7. Cute card .... Thanks for the virtual valentine. :). Needed that today!

  8. Lovely colors and image! Hope that CPU gets here!

    Happy <3- day!

  9. Beautiful card! Love the colors and that image is adorable. "Hugs" Carol

  10. Very sweet card Patti!
    Lovely colours and image.
    Hugs xx

  11. I think this is just the sweetest image! It is really the pits when a computer does not work. I hope the new one keeps you perking for a long time. Happy V Day, belated!

  12. I didn't get any mailed either! So bummed about it too!
    Your card is adorable Patti! love it!
    Pam Going Postal

  13. Patti this card is the cutest! I would love to know how you nestied around the image and managed to only cut out the top?

  14. Patti, that is soooo cute! Darling image and card.
    Hugs and smiles

  15. Oh Patti this is so sweet and your coloring is awesome!! TFS

  16. Adorable image and card, love the coours you have used xxx

  17. Sorry to hear about your computer! I am always so totally lost and feel like I'm cut off from the world without it. Your card is so cute and I just love your coloring. Best, Curt
