
Sunday, December 12, 2010

A Way with Words...

Good morning!

As it is Sunday, I'd like to welcome you to a new challenge at Stampin' Sisters in Christ!
I am your hostess for the challenge this week!
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For my scripture, I have chosen Ephesians 4:20 NLT: "Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them."
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Your challenge this week is: "A Way with Words".

Create a card or project that will compliment, encourage, or cheer someone in need of uplifting.
Our sponsor this week is Simon Says Stamp. We appreciate their support!

Here is my card. It features a darling Anya image, that you can find at Simon Says Stamp, here.

How often have you left your house in a wonderful frame of mind, singing or whistling on your way to run errands, only to have your mood shattered by a grumpy sales clerk or bank teller?

We make such an impact on others, not only by what we say, but by our body language and attitude, as well. We can be a blessing to someone that is having a bad day, or we can ruin someone's good day with one simple exchange of words. "Let everything you say be good and helpful". Speak uplifting words, give your undivided attention to, and fully listen to someone in need. If you work at a bank, your job may be to make monetary transcations, but you have the power to change the momentum of someone's day by simply telling them how pretty their hair looks, or just smiling and wishing them well. "So that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them". You might be the reason that someone holds their head a little higher, and feels a little more special the rest of the day.

So, this week, make that extra effort to be compassionate. Remember that the holidays can be a time of stress, and often a lonely and difficult time for many. Reach out to others in Jesus' name, listen to their needs, and let everything you say be good, helpful, and encouraging.
We would LOVE to see your cards this week! Please see the work of my wonderful DT sisters, and enter your beautiful creations, at Stampin' Sisters in Christ Challenge Blog. You could become a Shining Star, and might even win the generous prize from Simon Says Stamp!

Hugs and blessings to you - have a wonderful week!
Patti J.


  1. What a beautiful verse this week Patti. One to really think about. I enjoyed reading what you shared. We do need to be careful with our words.

    I just love your sweet Anya with your beautiful coloring and the dp!! Very cheerful and beautiful my friend.

    Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend my friend.


  2. Very cute card Patti and a great sentiment!!! Thanks for bringing us another great challenge and devo! Hope you have a wonderful week my friend!!!!

  3. Oh Patti, I soooooo needed to hear these words today. Sometimes the holiday spirit just gets the best of me. (I'm not talking the "good" kind of spirit either). Thanks for reminding me how my actions affect others.

    Your card is just precious and I adore the Jovial paper...I could us that year round, it's so beautiful. Your button and lace embellishments are the perfect touch to this uplifting creation. Have a blessed Sunday!

  4. Hi Patti, Just to say Sorry I cannot join you on your Lovely Challenge. Sister has returned home from Hospital and needs daily care.
    You have chosen a Lovely Scripture, and I want to say Thank you for all the encouraging words you have given me on my Blog.
    Thank you for your Kindness.
    I wish you a Blessed Christmas and 2011
    I have added a Christmas card to my blog for everyone.
    God Bless you as we Celebrate Christs Birth.
    Hugs Mau xx

  5. I LOVED the verse you chose - I need to put it on my desk at work so that I will always be reminded of the power of words. Important for teachers and everyone. You card is encouraging. Love it Patti!

  6. Beautifully said Patti. And YOU, my friend live this out. What a wonderful, and uplifting friend you are to so many and you have made my day many times! Your Anya is adorable. I love these images. Have a blessed Sunday!

  7. Oh by the way, your blog looks so festive! Love it. After the first of the year, I'm going to stop talking about it and try to pep up my blog some. I may be emailing you with a vote for a new name. big hugs!

  8. This is a beautiful post Patti and scripture. Your card is adorable and your words so inspiring. Thanks for making my day better! "Hugs" Carol

  9. Ohhh what a lovely choice of scripture Patti and great card too, sure to brighten anyone's day!

  10. She is just precious - I am glad I stamped a couple of these when they came to visit my house. The verse is perfect not only for this time of the year but for everyday.

  11. Wonderful devotional & scripture Patti, something to remember daily.
    Your card is just adorable, such a cute image.

  12. Fab card design - love it.

    Also, spot on message - a smile or kind word can make all the difference to someone's day :D

  13. What wonderful thoughts, and your card is perfect for the theme of the post. I like that sentiment a lot. Boy are you right about how someone can change your mood. The only thing I hate about that truth is that I let that person have that kind of power over me. Great post and card today! Best, Curt

  14. Wonderful challenge this week and a wonderful message through your verse. Loving those boots she's wearing and the card is just adorable.

  15. What a wonderful challenge Patti and such truth in your words - words to live by! I love this card - it would lift someone's day and heart beautifully! Thank you for inspiring my friend and for the Happy Mail - it made my day! {{{hugs}}}
