
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Happy Thursday!

Hi all,

Just thought I'd let you know that I haven't fallen off the face of the earth! I've been VERY busy this week with some things that I can't post for a while. I've been trying to faithfully keep up with all of you, though! Have seen some GORGEOUS creations!

Off to get hair cut, and toenails painted! Let's see, they were purple last time...what should I do for this month? Orange for fall???

(ugh...aren't feet just the ugliest things?)

Have a great day! Hugs to all! Will try to squeeze in a card to post soon :)

Patti J.


  1. I say orange and black toe nails gf!!! Do every other toe...:)or the bright colors are in sooo what about green!!! and btw your feet aren't ugly..LOL!!! Thanks so much for taking the time to come visit me!! You are the best sweetie!! Hugs!

  2. Go with brown or black!!! LOL!!!

    Love ya!

  3. Glad your still kicking! And those purple toes are quite a good sight.
    Take care and I always add flaming red to my toes

  4. If you go orange I think you need something painted on the big toes - like candy corn or a black kitty. I don't think you will do that though. Come home beautiful new do new toes and oh so relaxed.

  5. I have been feeling a bit sick and BLAH! So, your comment to check out ugly purple and then to see your feet gave me just the smile I needed. Honestly, I love feet. Ok, maybe I love MY em rubbed and papered. Hope you got a great color. Orange with black pumpkin faces on every toe would be REALLY creative. Do you have a stamp for that????LOL

  6. my girl did mine in a deep shiny red this week. no glitter. but i like it. do orange with black tips (like french manicure) that would be super!

    hugs :)

  7. did you see my gorgeous new blog banner? I'd go for orange/brown.

  8. I say orange for fall. My toes are usually a pink/orange combination 90% of the time.

  9. I hate oddball colours on nails or toes (ask my manicurist who thinks I am boring - lol)so I am not advising you.

    Lovely soft card. Your colouring is beautiful and the clean layout makes the image stand out so beautifully.


  10. Ohhhh you are brave with your nail polish colours - I must be showing my age LOL....
    Wonderful card - so soft and pretty!
    Hugs, Candy

  11. The suspense is killing me. What color did you go with. Did they have some of those little spider jewels to add on?? I'm not a foot person either. I've only had 2 pedicure my whole life, I think it's about time.
