
Monday, May 24, 2010

Phoenix, Az., and Happy Birthday Stef!

Just wonderin'..... I may possibly accompany DH on a biz trip next month to Phoenix. Do I have any peeps in Phoenix that might want to 'play' during the day????? Won't know for a week or so if I'm going, but thought it would be fun to shop or crop while DH is in meetings :)

* * *

Now, onto really important things! The infamous Glitterbabe is having a birthday on Thursday! Look at the birthday present she will be giving someone! Can you say WOWZERS?!?!? Folks, we could have some serious fun with this! Hope on over to Stef's blog, and wish her a Hippy Bathday (oops...)!

Back later today with a card...gotta get dear doggie to the groomer's!


Patti J.


  1. oh HIPPY is soooooooooooo right! you peeked! lol!

    thanks for the shout!

    the biz trip sounds fabulous. hope you get to go and sure hope you can meet up with a fellow crafter! then i'd really be jealous! wait! no i won't! i'm seeing you in 3 wks!!!!!! YAY!

  2. You also seen our infamous Stef is going to be 39...oops I mean 36!

  3. Don't you love being able to travel with the other half.....especially if you get to meet some blogging friends.....Hope you do!

  4. Wow Patti!!Your so right this is fab candy!!Awesome!!Have to go say Happy
