
Friday, May 14, 2010

How do YOU do it???


As you know, I was without computer for a couple of months, and I could not participate in challenges, etc. Now that I'm back, I'm having a bit of a coordination problem! Many of you work on multiple challenges each week, serve on five or ten design teams, etc. Sometimes, your cards meet 20 or more challenges! I am so, SO impressed!

I would really love to know your methods of coordinating it all!

  • Do you know ahead of time each week, exactly what challenges you are going to participate in, or do you spend time on your computers searching for them?

  • Do you have notepads at your computer where you scribble like crazy, or do you have a nice, tidy calendar with things neatly penciled in and/or color coded?

  • Do you do the same challenges all the time, or do you hop around and try new challenges?

I am 100 percent NOT being sarcastic or sassy here - I really, truly, would love to know some of your organizational and coordination secrets so that I can tidy up my life (and desk) a little! It will be fun to hear what you all have to say, and I'm sure that others would love some 'tidy-up' advice, as well!

I'm excited to hear from you all!!! Thanks!

Patti J.

Food for thought:

I saw this on a bumper sticker yesterday: I'm so old that when I eat out, they ask me to pay in advance!


  1. I do 3 things. Under my bookmarks I have a challenge tab. In the challenge tab are the days of the week, w/ challenges for that day.
    I visit the Daily Dare.
    I visit a couple of blogs where the girls do tons of challenges.
    I make a card with 1 challenge in mind usually and then go through challenges to see if it works for any others. I am not a challenge queen... but can squeeze a few in! Have a great day GF!

  2. I don't think I can help. When I was entering challenges and on design teams it took up a lot of time , and I find I couldn't keep up because of everyday, cooking, cleaning!
    Have a great day sweetie!

  3. I am of no help to you one this one. I can barely do one or two challenges a week. I have been very creatively challenged lately. Each time I sit down to create a card, I eventually get up with nothing to show. Hope you get some answers that help you.

  4. i do pretty much what patti does. in my favorites i have a challenge folder and in that i have a folder for each day of the week with challenges in that day, PLUS a monthly folder and i visit the daily dare daily!

    then, i open a word doc and write the place of the challenge and what it calls for - i.e. TUES. TAGGERS - flowers

    i go thru each & every challenge that DOES NOT require me to use their images and every morning i print it out. i also have a "color" file and "layouts" file. i copy every color & layout challenge and put it in a separate folder. then each day when i go to my room, i have the days challenges with me. i usually start at the top and work with that, then look back for the week and see what other challenge is the same or similar and there ya go.... if you have 3 challenges that call for flowers you can enter that one item into all of them.

    if you want more info or links, email me.

    hugs :)

  5. Hi Patti, I use a program called Evernote. You can download it from the Internet. It works great for me; but, Cat has had problems with it. It's worth a try!

  6. Great question! I've wondered the same thing for a long time so I'm capitalizing on your

    For me, I have the challenge blogs listed by day on my blog so I can visit those that leave me comments. I just don't get to play in as many challenges as I'd like to because of time constraints.
    "Hugs" Granny

  7. Very good question Patti. I am not any design teams so I can't answer that part of your question. As for challenges I love to combine them as much as I can. What I do is keep a running list beside my computer that I can refer to when I am making a card. I usually pick one main challenge that I want to do and then I look at my list and see which ones I can also work in. I also check The Daily Dare, each day Deb Felts posts what challenges there are for that day. I hope it helps.

  8. Very good question Patti. I am not any design teams so I can't answer that part of your question. As for challenges I love to combine them as much as I can. What I do is keep a running list beside my computer that I can refer to when I am making a card. I usually pick one main challenge that I want to do and then I look at my list and see which ones I can also work in. I also check The Daily Dare, each day Deb Felts posts what challenges there are for that day. I hope it helps.

  9. I sure can't help, but did read your responces, I need more help than you do LOL

  10. I do have a BIG calendar that lays right here next to my computer where I keep track of all my DT and blog hop requirements. But once a week, usually on the weekend, I make a list of all the posts I need to do day by day for the next week, including notes about what the challenge is, print off any sketches or whatever goes with the challenge, and keep that on my craft table, checking things off as I go. I try to play other challenges as I do my DT assignments... mostly favorite sketch challenges... so I'll go searching for the ones I like and print them off (or write them down) as well, noting on the paper when they are due (unless I'm going right in to make a card). I keep the links to my favorite challenges on my blog for easy reference. There are a couple of company challenges I want to start playing on a regular basis, like on StampTV, There She Goes, and The Greeting Farm, but my DT work often makes it impossible. Perhaps I should let something go? I can't!!!!

    I hope this helps.
