
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Smelly Dog Update!

First, I want to thank all of you who are still 'hanging out' with me while I have no computer, and can only post silly updates on smelly dogs! I've been promised that the new machine will be here soon! I promise to be a better blogging friend when it gets here.

So, update! I took Flake to the groomer yesterday, and they were like a well oiled Trauma team in the ER. There was NO dallying, they took her in immediately and went to work on making her pretty again. A few hours later, I can say that this was the best $33 that we ever spent! I wouldn't wish this experience on anyone, and will never take it lightly again!

Lol..., my friend Shirley and I had to pick up some things that I had ordered, and we did that yesterday. At the end of the day, Shirley very quietly told me that I smelled better than I had earlier that day! OMG, I was so embarrassed! I didn't even know that I stunk! I'd gotten out of the shower, dried my hair, put on clean clothes, used rubber gloves to touch dog's collar to attach leash, and stayed completely away from her. I opened ALL windows and the sunroof on the car on our drive to the groomer, and we took Shirley's car on our trip. Sheesh..... skunks are N*A*S*T*Y*!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, that's all for now. It's taken this old IBM almost one hour to let me get this typed. I've had all the fun I can stand for now! I'll be back soon!

Have a wonderful day, dear friends!!!

Patti J.


  1. well, smelly or not.... your blogging buddies are still here!

    glad you got things "cleaned up".

  2. So glad you and Flake smell better :0)Will be happy to have you back in full swing!

  3. I don't mind if you are stinky I am still here sweetie!
    Glad you got it taken care of though...poor baby.

  4. LOL, I have enjoyed reading about this, LOL. I can just see your face when you found out you smelled better LOL. Bless your heart! Glad the fdog does too!Hang in there, you don't have as long to wait for your new computer as you did have LOL.

  5. Oh my goodness! What an experiance... Glad everyone is smelling much better! Have enjoyed reading about it.... It's a good thing Shirley is a GOOD Friend!!! LOL!

  6. What an adventure! Glad you could laugh about it! Sometimes that's the only way to get through life's challenges! Hugs

  7. Those skunks don't mess around do they. Your poor sweet dog. I laughed out loud about Shirley's comment to you. That was hilarious. Glad that episode is over for you and your sweet dog. Now, let's get this computer thing fixed! Best, Curt
