
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Workshop Goodies...


My workshop was today. Everyone seemed pleased with what we made.
They did like the flourish card that I posted for you to see the other day, so good call!

Those of you that have followed me for a while know that when I do a class, all of the participants get a little something that I've made them, just for being there. Here's what they received today...mmm...chocolate!

The image and sentiment are from TAC's new sets: Brighten Your Day & Wonder and Joy. Coloring was all done with Koh-I-Noor Pencils and LOMS.

Speaking of chocolate, DD and I went to a nearby town, Ste. Geneveieve, Mo., last weekend. This quaint little town has an annual 'Chocolate Walk'. You stop at the first store, buy a ticket for $5, and walk all over town. There are approx. 25 shops on the list. Each shop that you visit has chocolate in some form out on a beautiful tray for you to try - everything from truffles to brownies. Very bad timing, as I had just started Weight Watchers! I tried to be a little careful, and we walked for a LONG time, so perhaps I walked off a few of the calories! Anyway, here, for your enjoyment, is a photo of the chocolate covered strawberries that I picked up for DH while there.

Then I came home to beautiful roses that DH had snuck in while we were gone!
Loads of red ones, and one white for each of our wonderful kids - what a keeper my man is!
All righty, off to clean up my messy craft corner! I'll be checking up on your blogs tonight and tomorrow!
Patti J.


  1. the gift cards are gorgeous!!! The candy looks wonderful, and your roses are absolutely beautiful!!!

  2. Yummy! Oh so pretty! Love the matchbox chocolates!

  3. Patti what a fantastic set!!!! WOW those are gorgeous roses sweetie!!!

  4. Such adorable little gifties, Patti! And that is A LOT of coloring :) Fantastic!

  5. First...I must come visit for a Chocolate walk...OMG...what a dream! Second, what a wonderful hubby. How sweet! Third....LOVE that image and chocolate treat you made. What a great job on that coloring too!

  6. Oh what fun - wish I could have been there to "play" with the group but need $$$ to buy "stuff". Super coloring and love the chocolate.

  7. Oh my - what a wonderful treat for your lucky they are!

  8. What a yummy treat....very lucky workshop attendees I must say! And that walk sounds great, though it should be a run to burn the calories. I'd still walk though, and eat every last bite!

  9. I am so glad everything went so well. What a wonderful treat for your participants.
    I heard chocolate and I feel myself glazing over, I would have loved to have been there.

  10. Ooh I love your little gift cards Patti - that image is so sweet and your colouring fantastic!!!
    So glad your class was well received and boy oh boy how I would love a Chocolate Walk!! and roses to end off a glorious day~~~ you are one lucky woman!!

  11. omgosh Patti, I love seeing all these sweet little faces looking at me....certainly makes me smile!

    thanks for sharing!!!
    Blessings, Maria

  12. Love all!!!! Want all!!! Hugs Nilla

  13. oooooo this is the yummiest post ever!

    hugs ♥

  14. What a sweet treat for your workshop gals! I am sure they loved it!! Beautiful job on the coloring, too. The chocolate walk sounds like lots of fun and yummy, too! Beautiful roses!! You deserve them!!
    Angel Hugs,

  15. Hi Patty! What a wonderful gift you give your workshop participates! You are so sweet, I think DH should have been buying the chocolate too! Adorable image a great coloring!

  16. Hey Patty,
    I love the card, it is so delicate looking, and simple too.
    I wish I could go to one of your the way you treat your participants!!!
    Yummy for those chocolates...I did not get any, I have told my husband over and over, I don't want any in the temptations for me, now if I go to a store and see something yummy I will get it for myself! The roses are beautiful too! Happy Valentines Day...! (belated of course) TFS.

  17. oh my these little cards are SO cute!! and what a great idea!! lovely post!

  18. these are sooo cute! love the coloring!

  19. A chocolate walk? OMGosh! I'd think I'd died and gone to heaven. And roses, too! I'm encouraged by all this... and all the home projects you now have going...

    What a SWEET image and SWEET project you have here! No doubt the ladies enjoyed it!
