
Thursday, October 29, 2009

Another rainy day in Missouri...

Yup, it's raining again! I am seriously pricing lumber for our 'big boat'... however, I refuse to take two rodents...(sorry Nina!). We apparently have another critter that is smarter than the traps are - lol.

My card today was made for Lynn's challenge at Stamp TV for this week: "Let it Snow".
I just got some Polar White Flower Soft on Tuesday at O'Dear's, (thanks Deb!!!) and hadn't opened it yet (except to share with a friend), and was anxious to give it a try.

I used Theresa Momber's new set, "Very Merry Christmas", and the stamping and sponging was done with SU's Bashful Blue and Wild Wasabi Green. I think the only other ingredient in this recipe was the Sakura Starburst Glitter Pen for the snow 'flakes'.

It is certainly not my favorite piece of work, but my morning's been pretty hectic, and I only had 15-20 minutes to spare.

Well, hope that you are all looking forward to the weekend!

Take care -

Patti J.

Another real church blooper: This being Easter Sunday, we will ask Mrs. Jackson to come forward and lay an egg on the alter.


  1. 15-20 minutes! Are you kidding! Very pretty! I am chuckling about the rodents because we had ONE that put 4 holes in my baseboard. It was like a cartoon. My hubby was obsessed with getting it. We finally had to do the sticky live trap thing. It worked! My husband was like a crazed person. He picked it up and looked right into it's beady little eyes and LAUGHED....long and hard. It cracks me up every time I think of it:)

  2. You did this in 10-15 minutes? Wow, I bow down to you!!! I love the ribbon you used, it goes so well with the overall look.

  3. Pretty card! Can't believe you finished it that fast! Wow!

    I left you something on my blog today!


  4. Wow Really??? 15-20 minutes! It's beautiful Patti! That flower soft looks awesome for snow & great job on your coloring too...

  5. Wow! Really pretty card. You always send us the rain! I guess I know what our weather is going to be like this weekend. lol

  6. Wow only 15-20 minutes! That would have taken me at least an hour. Beautiful, love the flower soft. TFS

  7. Very pretty card Patti.

    I'd give anything for a bit of rain here in So Cal. We're apparently all done with fall and winter and are into spring already! I think it rained for about 5 minutes a month ago, with no rain in sight.
