
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Fund Raising Auction Items... Finished!


I didn't get started on any of this until almost 4 p.m. today! I just do not have a clue where the hours in my days go! There's an 'hour goblin' out there someplace, just gobblin' up my days!

Anyway, here is what I did today for a donation for an auction tomorrow at the YMCA...
Above, is a fall colored coffee mug, filled with Cocoa Mix, a couple of flavored teas, and some Milano cookies - Yummy!
This is just a little card pocket that I made from a sheet of 8.5 x 11 cardstock to hold the set of cards below:
I totally forgot to take pictures prior to plastic bagging these, so the photo's aren't all that great. I just used some cute Halloween/Fall DP, and embellished a bit with ribbon and pop dots.
I think the candy bars are pretty much self-explanatory! Mmmm.....Chocolate!
Below are some boxes I made and filled with wrapped Nuggets. Two of the boxes hold a dozen nuggets. The tiny box is only 1/2 deep (how cute is that!) and holds only 9 nuggets.

Okay peeps.... that's all I have tonight, and I am so tired! My Redbirds fell to the Marlins 2-1 tonight, and I'm bummed.... sigh.... Thank goodness tomorrow is another ball game!

Hugs to all, especially to those who dropped in on my DD today and took a quick peek at her blog! You are so sweet!

Patti J.

When something is taken from your grasp, God is not punishing you. He's merely opening your hands to receive something better. Concentrate on this - "the will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you".


  1. Great projects and I am sure they will do well for the auction!! Wow you sure did get a lot done in just a few hours.

  2. Lady, you are a marvel! These are wonderful! :D

  3. Love all your projects. The candy bars are making me hungry!

  4. WOW Patti, when you create, you create! I'll be referring back to this post, great gift ideas! DD blog is great. Love the pics and her point of views on the midwest. When is she going to write a book?

    ps Very busy and stressful at work. Never enough time to get everything done - you know what I mean...

  5. Wow, you are really busy. Your projects are all so lovely. I particularly love the candy bars and card set.

  6. Your day might not have started to 4:00 p.m., but you sure got a lot accomplished. What fabulous projects. I especially love the fall cards. Thanks for the quote on the bottom about 'when something is taken from your grasp', I really needed to hear that today.

  7. Great projects! I would bid on them! We used to have an auction at school every year, and I loved packaging all the goodies. Takes me back! Well I'm off yo check your DD's blog! Have a great day!

  8. OMG - what GREAT projects - I know they will go well. Love the mug the best - can I bid on it!!! Your fingers must be bone tired. Wayne-O was also bemoaning his fav "Cards".
