
Thursday, February 19, 2009

Trying Day...

Today was an exceptionally trying day. I'm very happy to be home.

I'm supposed to be working on taxes, but guess what? I'm not! I found another challenge! Yay! SCS posted a pop-up challenge, and I do so love making pop-up cards! So...tonight I will cheat just a little while and move from one desk to another! I won't tell Manley Stanley or Uncle Sam if you won't!

I have to say that the challenge card that I posted was received well! I had absolutely not a minute's hesitation on who to send it to once I used the "I miss you" sentiment. My dear friend Tami, that used to be my daily "rock" at work, had her program disassembled (as Short Circuit might say!) early this year, and moved to another building. If friends can be soulmates, Tam is certainly mine. There is not a single day that goes by that I don't think of her a dozen times, so it was only fitting that she get the card! And I guess I received the ultimate compliment - she said it was even prettier 'in person'! Love ya Tam, and miss ya lots!

Off I go to play a bit with some pop-up ideas!

Have a good night - Patti J.

~A friend is a person who knows your sensitive spots but will never poke you there.

Did I mention that I am a St. Louis Cardinal GEEK and that I am totally hyped that it's nearly
baseball season? Did I also mention that I am like totally bummed that Aaron Miles won't be
a Cardinal this season??? Sniff, sniff..... sigh.