
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Another one bites the dust....

Wow - another September come and gone! Where does the time go?

It's amazing how good a little bit of physical labor feels after you have been at a desk job all day!

I am very much enjoying my 'bathroom' time this week! I can't believe how many things that I think about while I am peeling tiny bits and pieces of paint off the walls. I think about the Wall Street fiasco, and the upcoming election. I think about how our 'freedom of the press' often is such a misnomer! Many times, I will hear a clip from a candidate, and stand back and shake my head, or get angry or sad. Then a bit later, I read the entire article on-line, or in the paper, and the clip means absolutely nothing like what the TV reporter made it sound. I was thinking tonight, how close we are to another Christmas! (And ice and snow!!!). I think about my BF who is going through some very serious and trying family issues right now, and pray for peace and good health for her and her family.

Mostly, I think about how blessed I am that I have such wonderful family and friends. There are times that I will, for just a split second, think, "gee, how would things have been different if I'd been a doctor"?, and then oh so quickly, I think, "gosh, I'm so glad that I'm just a simple secretary, and had time to be a good mom and hopefully, a good wife"! I don't know what I ever did to deserve such riches, but I sure am glad I did whatever it was!!!

Good night all - too tired to make any sense!

It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. ~e.e. cummings

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