
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

I intended to have a nice creation for you, but 'life' got in the way.  DH had some surgery yesterday, DS flew in today, etc....   We are having our "big bird" tomorrow, since DS got in late today.  Today's dinner was actually Ruby Tuesday's seafood and ribs. 

Hopefully, all of you enjoyed your day of Thanksgiving!

Blessings and smiles,

Patti J.


  1. Hope all went well and life didn't leave to many bumps in your path.
    Sending you hugs sweetie

  2. Happy festivities Patti and hope all comes back to normal soon at your home

  3. Glad DS got in okay - (I bet one boy dog was HAPPY), and hope DH is doing okay. All is going as well as can be expected - (no really it is fine), yesterday was GREAT - Thanksgiving complete with a hayride - and we got to see Paige and Rusty. Have a great weekend.

  4. You have had a busy week Patti, hope your husband is doing OK. Happy Thanksgiving. Have a great weekend, Annette x

  5. Hope today is going much smoother and calmer for all of you. Enjoy your holiday weekend and hope DH is doing better!
    Happy Thanksgiving weekend to you!

  6. Sounds like you had a bit of a hectic Thanksgiving Patti! Hope DH is OK and that you're all having a lovely weekend together.

  7. and I hope yours was grand too, my friend!!!
